"Ooh. And she's still human, those are almost always the best at growing. I would love to help your tracker find your mate but I want to boop her nose and give her lessons when it's done."
"Hm. She's not going to like you if you're a package deal with me. She came off with the impression I was... "paranoid, egotistical, and reeking of batshit." In her words. I don't think she'll want to touch me with a ten-foot pole until her heart stops beating."
"Oh, so much the simpler. Tracker and I find her, I go say hello without mentioning you at all and play with her magic, then I bite her and deliver her to you. Yes?"
"She has an accomplice of some kind, so it might not be so much simpler. He smells terrible, like wet dog and hate, and he moves fast. I think he might be as fast as a vampire. He's clearly not, but he could be a threat."
"Huh. Also a witch, or...? Well, I'll see what I can do, at any rate. If I get what I want I have no problem delivering what you want, so you might as well let me help."
"I've got no idea, but he barely smells human. Not a Child of the Moon either, not that I'd believe any of them escaped Caius' clutches; they had no scent at all, except for the blood they were always covered in. And I'm glad of your help, as long as she eventually gets to me."
"I'll do my best. Tell me everything you know about her, give me your phone number, and point me at your tracker."
Tessa lists off a phone number, obviously memorized only by virtue of vampiric recall. She gives Steven's rough location (he hangs around a certain national park, usually.) Then she sighs, looking crestfallen. "Her name's Suzanna Richardson, her hair and eyes are brown, fair but unhealthy skin, she failed her calculus final, she has a plane ticket to Italy in her purse unless she got rid of it. There, you now know as much about my mate as I do."
"Unless you want to experiment with being on the receiving end of your own power for kicks, I'll get going."
"Not particularly, and it's barely effective on mated vampires anyway. Feel free to leave."
Tessa, like many vampires, is unapologetically willing to ruin the lives of others in pursuit of even the pettiest of goals. It's what Suzanna would find so endearing about her, were she not so busy being horrified.
She goes to Portland.
He doesn't look like the typical ranting vagrants; more beseeching, like someone who saw something impossible and just can't let go of it. It's likely that Addy has seen that face on mortals before.
It is a very tasty sort of face. Addy goes up to him and makes it clear that she believes him and says she has a cousin in the government who can handle this kind of thing will he please show her where in the woods. Then she eats him. Then she follows the wet dog smell.
"Hello," says the girl cautiously. "I'm a witch, and I could kill you. I feel like getting that out of the way."
"Please don't kill me," says Addy. "I don't want to kill you. There was somebody who couldn't keep his mouth shut raving about having seen you; do you need help lying low?"
"I don't want to kill you," the girl sighs. "I'm just aware that you're a vampire and I'm potentially a tasty snack. And help with lying low would be lovely; I tried to shut that guy up but I missed and killed a tree instead. What's your angle? Vampires aren't usually very altruistic."
"Oh, I ate him, don't worry about him, or yourself, I'm not hungry now," says Addy. "I'm not altruistic. I'm a magic nerd. I can copy witch powers! And often improve them, too, with a simultaneously insider and outsider perspective on how they work. Do you want references? I have given lessons to and then left totally unharmed lots of human witches. Off the top of my head there's one with a phone and a pack-a-day habit that makes her very definitively not a vampire from sound alone, if that helps."
"Anyone with human contacts they haven't killed is safer than most of the greater vampire community," mutters the boy, slowly relaxing out of his crouch. "And it helps that you're not pretending to be nice. We'll want that phone number, though. And maybe another one for safety's sake."
"Cigarette lady's only four time zones away since her study abroad ended, do you want me to call her now? Before this I was in Asia for a while, Europe before that. They'll be asleep and don't speak English, and people I met before that have likely changed phone numbers or died of old age already. Do either of you know Czech? I know a nocturnal Czech."
"We don't know Czech. We would love if you called your raspy friend, but we can wait a bit on any other English speakers based on the fact you aren't actively hostile right now and we have superior firepower."
Addy pulls out her phone and calls her raspy friend. "Lauren, it's me! No, nowhere near. Can I get you to verify for some people that I do not think witches are food? Thanks, you're a peach."
Addy offers the phone to Suzanna.
"Hi, Lauren, was it? We were approached by your sparkly friend, and, yeah, we just wanted to know that she has surviving human acquaintances."