There has come to be a sort of de facto ethnic division between the two churches of Abadar in Westcrown. The Trivardum one is for the Avistani Fiducias, and the big one where Naima hosts her tapping hours for the Osiriani Cicerones. This is not absolute, and of course the two banks must communicate routinely to make sure all their accounts match. On one trip across town with an account book Jaume happens to speak to Cicerone Hikmat about Cicerone Fazil, the Conde de Pedraza, who, being fourth circle, has his own aura visible under Abadar's, and is in his own right Good.
That is interesting, because Osirion isn't Good, and doesn't tend to aspire to it. There might be Good in the metaphorical water in Lastwall, but not in Osirion. The Cicerone has discovered a way to exceed the moral standards around him, while being an Abadaran in excellent standing, and it's not that Jaume had no idea this was possible but it is interesting to be informed of a successful example with reasonable within-church posted consulting rates.
He buys a half-hour.