Streetlights! Graveyards! Buildings! Roads! Cars! Graveyards! More, different buildings! Fire hydrants! Parks! Actually no that's another graveyard!
"Sentiment? Tradition? A desire to create lasting memorials, fueled by discomfort with the idea that in the long run most people will not only die but also be completely forgotten by history? Many humans also believe in an afterlife, although their hopes are largely unsubstantiated by any form of concrete evidence. There are assorted means by which particular individuals might persist after death, but I haven't heard anything that suggests something more comprehensive."
"Non-magical local technology. I can find you a book on it at the library if you want a serious practical explanation."
"It's not a high priority, especially if it's complicated. What are these buildings made of?" They are made of vinyl siding.
He glances at them. "The stuff on the outside is plastic, which is worth a book or two all its own."
"I'm guessing the things with wheels that contain chairs are for moving people around in somehow, because mortals can't fly."
"Got it in one. Most of those are cars; the variant over there is a van. I used to know someone who could tell you lots more about them but he's dead so it's down to the books again."
"I don't need to know a lot of details about cars. Wheels would have a lot of trouble most places at home and I can fly."
"I'm sure it's very exciting for people who can't fly. I have no wish to be cooped up unable to feel the air when traveling from place to place."
"Oh, I don't know, considering that sorcery's possible here it's probably more efficient to just make a gate to anywhere really far away I'd want to go."
"Cure or alleviate a steadily increasing variety of ills, kill each other with impressive efficiency, sustain more or less stable nations of tens or hundreds of millions of people, and that's all mostly without magic coming into it."