"Not necessarily, unless the harmonics here are drunk in some completely new way." She starts gridding.
The harmonics here are drunk in an unusually predictable and regular fashion, actually. Symmetrical patterns centered on approximately the middle of the room. They're not normal, but the symmetry is strong enough that the weirdness of any given location is pretty easy to predict if you have its opposite or neighbouring corner to compare. The symmetry is strongest at floor level, and it's actually possible to trace out its lines using the floor itself as a guide.
"This is strange," Promise says. "Doing mortal magic definitely affects harmonics. If you do magic along these floor lines, as I strongly suspect you do, it's making cliffs and slopes accordingly."
"Yes, the floor patterns are my guidelines for marking out spell layouts, so I don't have to get out the masking tape every time," she says. "That's interesting."
"Harmonics are normally somewhat affected by things around them. Sorcery, living things, landscape. But not so dramatically."
"Hmm. Well, let me know when you've got a solid enough idea of the space that I can start trying things and seeing how it changes."
Promise nods. She makes a few more grids, then starts making lines only a few lights across along features that seem likely to exist to confirm that they're there, and finally she says, "I think I have a manageable working knowledge."
She goes to the boxes and picks up a double handful of small rounded stones in a lovely mix of blue, green, and purple. These she arranges in a wide circle on the floor, dragging the chairs out of the way so that they face each other across the circle, one by the window and the other by the door. In the very center of all this, she places a glossy black rook with a minimalist design. Then she sits in one of the chairs and gestures Promise into the other.
"I'm going to see if I can make the patterns even more orderly and geometric than they already are," she explains. "I'm hoping for the space inside that circle to achieve perfect twenty-four-point radial symmetry; I'm not sure what the space outside the circle will do, but I guess we'll find out."
Castle talks to the rook, encouraging it to pursue its dreams of extreme stability and regularity. An image of a beautiful crystalline tower with perfect twenty-four-point radial symmetry builds itself facet by facet in the air, starting from the ring of stones and proceeding inward and upward. When it's well past the ceiling, she thanks the rook and the vision fades.
She's not taking notes, so she just lights up the entire floor-level layer.
"Did that work as well as it looks like it did?"
Rook! Don't you just dream of perfect calm and quiet? Yes you do. Well, Castle is here to help. Be serene. Be sturdy. Be clear.
There isn't even an image this time, just a sense of stillness in the air. Castle thanks the rook.
The harmonics outside the circle are mostly unaffected - the patterns have smoothed out a tiny bit, maybe - but the harmonics inside the circle are now perfectly flat.
"But if I have to put a rook down on a geometric surface and talk to it for a while beforehand it will not be useful in an emergency, is the trouble, since it's so local."
"The circle is important too. And the rook might not work so well for you, although you do have a pretty strong rook association so it's not completely hopeless. Still, being able to get usefully uniform harmonics in two minutes with a bag of glass pebbles and a rook is better than not being able to get them at all, isn't it? The geometric surface wouldn't be strictly necessary for this one as long as you had the pebbles laid out in a reasonably uniform circle with the rook in the center."
"It's definitely good and I would definitely like to learn how. But I don't think it's directly applicable to my main project on deck, which will involve assailing a well-defended palace under circumstances such that if I don't win immediately I probably lose."
"Well. That does sound like a situation where you want something less ritualized and more immediate," Castle agrees.