Promise in Sunnydale
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"Well, figure out an alternate solution or endure awkwardness and mild social censure, I suppose," he says.


"I don't have anything to wear that covers my wings... and I'm actually really terrible at walking, anyway..."


Snort. "Wonder if Castle can invent a spell to help you with that. She's got an impressive gimmick going there."


"I feel like I'd look wrong without wings, but I suppose random mortals wouldn't know that. Mortals don't dress like I do, either, do they?"


"They generally don't," he agrees.


"So I'll look weird no matter what I do, unless you have mortal clothes in my size - and shape, whether my wings can be made invisible or not - on hand."


"There are degrees of weird available. Pick whichever you like best."


"Are there any obvious problems to just going out as I am besides getting weird questions and odd looks?"


"The less understandable and comfortable someone finds a situation, the less predictable their reaction to that situation. I don't expect someone who notices you flying down the street in broad daylight to get violent, but it's not out of the question that they might. On the other hand, residents of Sunnydale get plenty of opportunity to practice ignoring things they don't understand, so perhaps everyone will just pretend you aren't there or at least aren't flying. I don't have a confident prediction."


"I could turn invisible until we get to the library and tuck myself into a corner?"


"Sure, that seems like a functional patch."


Promise consults her map of the room, and after some frowning at it, turns herself invisible.

To the public library they go!

Tea has no fear that his sunlight ward might fail. His confidence is rewarded by a complete lack of bursting into flames.

How nice for him. Promise flutters along after him.

The public library is definitely bigger than the library in the school. The building itself is smaller than the school, but the library takes up the whole thing instead of being relegated to a few rooms.

Many books are present.

Promise goes behind a bookshelf, lands, takes a moment of fumbling with the drunk harmonics to reappear, and then starts looking at books.


Tea picks up some fiction and sits at a table and reads.


Reading! Promise can just read all day, that seems like a plan.


Yes indeed. Well, unless one of them gets hungry, but Tea seems not to.


Promise does, but she doesn't want to haul all the way back to the crypt in the middle of the day. Two meals a day will do it.


In that case, reading all day it is. Promise can learn about whatever nonmagical aspects of Earthly existence she likes!


She learns so many things! And has to ask Tea for context on a lot of them.


Tea is full of context.

How useful of him!

And eventually the sun is low in the sky and they should go back to the crypt and feed plants to Promise and then go to meet Royal at the school.

They do this. Sherlock stops on the way to the school to steal more blood.

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