"As much fun as this little interlude has been, do feel free to give the answer away."
She opens her mouth and this time sound comes out.
"I'm under heavy orders and I can mostly only do things you tell or permit me to do."
"I - I - had a bad master. Went through a tear. Now I can't do any sorcery I suppose and I don't know if I'll ever see my tree again but at least he doesn't have me anymore."
"Well. Welcome to Sunnydale. Is this orders business a property of you in particular, or of the entire place you came from?"
"Then yes, you're a mortal. As far as I know it's just fairies and mortals. Are you an unusual kind of mortal?"
"I think we may have to throw out the term 'mortal' as hopelessly ambiguous. I am not human, though I once was. I am the most common kind of nonhuman on this planet. Relative to humans I am also significantly less mortal, a distinction that many other kinds of nonhuman cannot boast."