It doesn't look like anything. "It's settling," Promise announces after a brief moment.
"As in the process that takes some unpredictable amount of time, or as in the end of that process?"
"Time to wait, then, I guess. Would you like me to show off more nifty mortal gadgets in the meantime?"
"Did you like the look of that game I was playing? I could show off some of those. Or, I don't know, what do fairies not have, lightflyers? Float pallets? I suppose you don't need lift tubes..."
"That is a lightflyer." He points. "It's a flying vehicle that goes very fast. A float pallet is a levitating platform that can be hauled around as though it's mostly weightless regardless of how much stuff you pile onto it, as long as you don't exceed the safety limitations and break the thing. And a lift tube is a different application of the same technology used in float pallets, which allows wingless people to move from one floor to another inside a building without having to go up and down stairs. If none of those sounds sufficiently exciting to be worth a look, I'm sure I can think of more."
"They sound worth looking at," acknowledges Promise. "It must be inconvenient not to be able to fly."
"I am pretty pleased about my lightflyer," says Silver. "If you'd like, I can fly you around in it and demonstrate how well it compensates for my tragic lack of inborn flight capability."
"Can you sit in there comfortably or do I need to disassemble the seat a bit?"
He goes around and gets in the pilot's seat and does up his safety harness.
The lightflyer closes itself up and tidily departs the ground, rising noticeably faster than most fairies could manage.
The lake is even prettier from above, and the forest is a visually interesting tangle of green plants with red, and beyond the forest are the foothills of a range of tall and lovely mountains. Silver regards this vista with a smile of deep contentment and heads mountainward at a gentle acceleration.
"Are they? The green stuff is from Earth, the red stuff is native to this planet," he says. "I'm nastily allergic to most of the local plant life but I do admit it can be attractive from a distance."
"Fairyland plants are more often green than anything else, but they can be other colors."
They are definitely moving much faster than wing power could manage, although at this altitude the difference is a little subtle.
"I don't actually remember whether the mountains are named after a person so I'm erring on the side of caution - likewise the lake, and the planet, and a whole lot of cities - but those are my very favourite mountains in the galaxy. I grew up here."
As they approach the mountains and the elevation of the landscape below them rises, their speed becomes gradually more apparent. Zoom. Very zoom. Still a comfortable distance from anything they might conceivably crash into, but: zoom.
"It goes faster," he says. "If very fast flying vehicles are a thing that interests you, there's a wide selection available. Also some that will operate regardless of the presence or absence of air outside them, but those tend to be bigger and harder to fly."
"If you're trying to convince me the mortal world has cool stuff so I'll do magic for you, I don't object, but it's not the real bottleneck."