"It's also a lot warmer here than in my tree, so I think I would have noticed anyway, but yes."
"When it comes to things that might potentially send significant portions of my planet's atmosphere spewing into an infinite void, I like to be sure."
"Anyway, to make a gate I need a geographic-features-based unique description. It helps to have been there or at least seen a good map or drawing."
"I can produce lovely holos of many potential destinations. Hmm. So it seems like we have an outline for the first set of tests: I fetch a shuttle, you construct a gate big enough to fit it through that leads somewhere very very far above some remote part of Fairyland, then we take the shuttle through that and you make another gate to a described location in a nearby system and we take the shuttle through that and verify that it worked...?"
He goes and sees about the shuttle. Copper shows up to deliver it. It's definitely bigger than the lightflyer, but still smaller than the house.
"If you're short on interesting ways to pass the time while these gates settle, I could teach you to fly these vehicles," Silver mentions.
"The lightflyer's the easier of the two. I don't honestly know how hard either one would be for someone as unfamiliar with them as you are."
"Well, I'll pay attention when you fly it. How big do you need the gate and how high up?"
He has a suitable spot picked out for the gate, low enough and in an awkward enough location that no one will take their lightflyer through it by accident on their way to the house, high enough and flyable enough for the shuttle to navigate without mowing down any trees.
Promise outlines it in fairylights to confirm she has the right idea, then: gate. She flies up to throw a rock through it. "Instant settle," she calls down.
To the shuttle they go, then. Silver manipulates assorted controls and causes it to fly through the ring of fairylights.
It's hard to make out the individual flowers, but nothing else is that bright. They cluster enough to be more than noise even at this distance, though; yellows and blues cascading down one hill and reds and purples pooling in the valley, pastels swirling into the distance, jewel tones blooming from trees and being carried on the wind over a sea of sunset blossoms, petals floating so thick on the river that winds through the landscape that it's a flowing band of white and pink and cyan and gold.
The shuttle is airtight, but it looks like if you cracked the hull it'd smell of nectar.
There are maps and pictures of the test destination.
He does in fact take holos of their outrageously pretty surroundings.
"...you may, but if that makes it difficult to fly you might have to turn it visible again before we go anywhere."
She turns the ship invisible.
"The view is... certainly something. It reminds me of - a planet with a galactic reputation for refined aesthetics."