There is a book held open with a rock and a wooden stake; and next to it a messenger bag; and beside these a teenage girl, painting goat blood onto the floor of a crypt.
"A secret mark, innocuous to the general public but meaningful to those in the know. You might see one at a pawnbroker's, to indicate they are willing to accept stolen goods."
"In a manner of speaking."
What did the summoner say? Stake through the heart or... ah, yes. Separate the head from the shoulders. So Ellie does that, neatly lifting everything above the C7 vertebra while keeping the rest of the body in place.
As soon as there's enough of a gap between head and body the vampire disintegrates into dust without time to scream.
And she's never made much of a study of astronomical horology.
Well. In that case, she may as well head back to the seedier area of town and look for a bar that may contain demons. Perhaps it will be open if she manages to find one.
There are a couple bars open, but they do not say 'attention, demons! demon bar!' and are named unassuming names like Sunnydale Brewery and Willy's.
If there were any places that were obviously signposted, Ellie expects her summoner would already have wallpapered the place in crosses.
She'll try Willy's first, on the theory that secret demons are more likely to congregate at a place less public than the local brewery.
How rude. It is probably not a good idea to break the door off the frame just because she's annoyed.
"Ugh, fine." She walks away from the door and checks for an alleyway that goes behind the bar.
If she tries hard and believes in herself and hasn't stopped being a fairy recently, sure!