There is a book held open with a rock and a wooden stake; and next to it a messenger bag; and beside these a teenage girl, painting goat blood onto the floor of a crypt.
"I asked you a question first," Ellie points out reasonably. "I'm owed an answer before you are."
"All I want is for you to answer a few questions for me, then you can go on your way."
"No, not law enforcement, just an interested visitor. You are not detained in the legal sense, but I'm not going to put you down again."
"Would you prefer I take us somewhere quieter and begin ripping your extremities off one at a time?"
"Somewhere quiet it is, then."
Ellie lifts them both up into the air and flies out of town to a hillside she noticed early.
"Which hand is your dominant?" she asks as they touch down.
Ellie clamps her jaw shut.
"Let's start with the left, then. If at any point over the next period of time you wish to become cooperative, simply indicate this by nodding your head frantically."
She stretches out the vampire's left arm towards her, hand open and fingers spread. Then she begins applying precisely directed telekinetics to each of the bones in the hand, starting with the distal phalanges and working inwards towards the wrist, shattering them into pieces.
The vampire manages to produce a high pitched shrieking noise through her teeth. Ellie doesn't have to go through very many bones before she receives frantic nodding.