There is a book held open with a rock and a wooden stake; and next to it a messenger bag; and beside these a teenage girl, painting goat blood onto the floor of a crypt.
"Great, see you then. This is exciting." Bella starts packing up her non-goat-blood belongings.
Ellie scrapes the goat blood off the floor and compresses it into a ball, which she floats along with her as she exits the crypt.
"It is no trouble," she calls back over her shoulder.
Once she's outside, she drops the ball at the roots of a convenient tree, then takes off into the sky, to try to get an aerial view of the town.
It is a sleepy town with negligible nightlife. One club lit up, some of the seedier neighborhoods populated by lowlifes, otherwise mostly deserted streets.
How exciting.
Apparently her summoner just wanders, in search of vampires? But if Ellie were a vampire, she'd want to go where the people are. Which means the club. She zooms over in that direction and checks for an alley to touch down in.
Sunnydale is well supplied with alleys. The club is full of teenagers and beverages and music.
As they tend to be, even in the future. Ellie takes a place at the bar and asks for a water.
She scans the crowd. Anyone looking predatory?
Well, some people are looking sexually predatory. Nobody's exactly screaming "I vant to suck your blahd".
How inconsiderate of them. Don't these vampires know she's trying to hunt them out here? Perhaps a closer inspection is in order. After she finishes her water.
Might be relevant that there's a cross scratched into the bar... and on the base of that table there... and under the banister on the stairs...
Tsk. Probably vampires have abandoned this place, then. She'll make one sweep looking for flinches near relevant areas, just in case.
Back to the streets. Next likely candidate: the rundown areas with the lowlifes. Ellie will walk in that direction.
If she's actively looking for crosses, there's lots, but - whatever her name was, she didn't say - hasn't covered everywhere!
Here is a dude sitting on the street with a liquor bottle and a young lady peering at him from around the corner, going "hmmm".
Is the young lady hanging around near a cross?
Ellie ducks off to the side to discreetly observe.
Some of the crosses are tucked away and hard to see, but it doesn't look like this block's been covered at all, actually.
Yup. It's sort of possible she just finds scruffy dudes twice her age who smell like whisky desperately attractive?
There are all sorts of people in the world, but Ellie finds the vampire hypothesis just so much more compelling.
At last!
...Summoner seems the type to be displeased if she learns Ellie let a vampire kill someone when she could have prevented it. She readies to yank the vampire away from her victim once fanginess is established.
And Ellie moves the vampire very quickly up and back and over to where she lurks. She holds it about a foot off the ground and just out of arm's reach.
"Hello there."