There is a book held open with a rock and a wooden stake; and next to it a messenger bag; and beside these a teenage girl, painting goat blood onto the floor of a crypt.
"I have no answer for that either. I've never been summoned by a sociologist I could ask the question of."
"I'd like to see that magic shop you mentioned, as well as a library. You do speak a reconizable English, so I also want to see if various landmarks match my world."
"Well, I suppose you'll look unremarkable enough walking down the street. Middle of the night at the moment though."
"And presumably the magic shop is closed at night? I could fly to the other side of the world and begin there, come back here local morning."
"Magic and stuff isn't common knowledge here. You'll attract attention if you fly around."
"That's inconvenient. I am not meaningfully limited by things like staying below the atmosphere while I travel, if that makes any difference?"
"I don't actually know how closely the sky is monitored for, like, missiles, but I'd definitely be concerned it might be and avoid it on the 'let's not provoke nuclear war' principle."
"Sleep is among the things I do not miss about being human. Judging by the crossbow, I assume your hassling of vampires is typically violent?"
"This town's got an unusually high concentration. Most places there aren't that many and I've made a serious dent in the population here."
"I think it attracts supernatural stuff in general, and also people here are really good at ignoring mysterious happenings. And I used to be able to dust one every night or two, sometimes a nestful."
"I mean, I wouldn't expect you to have heard of it if you weren't from the area, it's not very distinctive except for the death rate."
"I've asked that myself. My dad was born here and he's a very rooted sort of person, I'm not going to move at this point because of the vampire hunting thing, but I can't explain why my next door neighbors are still around. People are good at ignoring things, I guess."