There is a book held open with a rock and a wooden stake; and next to it a messenger bag; and beside these a teenage girl, painting goat blood onto the floor of a crypt.
slayer Bella summons fairy Ellie
And when it is dark enough for Bella to break into the library she goes and does that, and she comes back with a book of simple spells for Ellie, and she draws out a summoning circle to retrieve her teacher fairy in the morning.
And presently the fairy returns to Fairyland, there to collect what history books she can in the hours of the night that remain.
"I managed to dig up a few books on the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, as well as something that purports to be a grand history of everything, though it seems somewhat slim for that to me."
"Well, it sounds interesting even if it doesn't manage to cram everything into its pages per se."
Then Bella can have the history books, and Ellie will settle down with the one on magic.
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