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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Yes. Yes he can. And he never, ever fails in his resolve, not for a moment, he never tries to get away, he never tries to fight. Maitimo can make him scream and sob and shake and fall apart, can hurt him and hurt him until his thoughts blur together into a chaotic scrambled mess of pain and fear, and underneath that there is always, always love. Oceans of it.


He's crying. He's so safe and so happy and everything is okay and he's having a hard time seeing straight. Fortunately Taliar won't be able to tell. He takes a hold of his soul again when he has urgent work to get to, and goes off to do it, and comes back and lets go and watches Taliar recover.


His thoughts come together slowly, and he remembers pain, so much pain, and he turns and looks at Maitimo and smiles a soft adoring smile and snuggles up, loving him wholeheartedly, trusting him absolutely. My rescuer.


I love you. I treasure you. What's her name?


Almost half a second before - Nahira.


Kiss. And he picks up Taliar's soul again. 


Taliar is utterly lost in love. He may not have literally forgotten her name yet but he feels so very, very rescued. He loves Maitimo so much and he is so glad they can share this, so glad he can trust Maitimo enough for this, Maitimo is so gloriously terrifying and so good at taking him apart and Taliar loves being his, loves giving himself to Maitimo in every way he can, heart and mind and body and soul, trust and terror and joy and pain and love. Always love.


He'd meant to get back to work again but he finds himself staring at Taliar instead, having some difficulty breathing.



Then back to work, and he'd consider it a personal favor if everyone he talked to would pet the bird-soul that saved them all.


Oh not this again—it hurts, it hurts, it hurts—he loves Maitimo so much—it hurts—he can take it, Maitimo knows he can, Maitimo loves him and respects him and appreciates him—and that does not make it hurt one bit less—it's awful, how could Maitimo do this to him—it's awful, he's so glad Maitimo can do this to him—it hurts, it keeps hurting, every new stranger another unique flavour of intolerable intimate anguish.


He is in a lovely mood all day. Then he comes back to Taliar and lets go and holds him while he reorients.


Taliar starts crying before he even has his senses back properly, and continues crying while his mind comes back together, and he feels so incredibly wrung out, so utterly taken to pieces, exhausted, shattered, tortured beyond comprehension...

...and he loves Maitimo still, always, forever.


He doesn't ask about the name. Taliar deserves a break. He just watches him contentedly.


Eventually he cries himself out, and he curls up and snuggles close and rests for a moment, completely at peace.

A thought occurs to him.

...I love you dearly and I'm glad you can do this to me but I worry for these people when they eventually realize they tortured me. It would be pretty reasonable for them to fear retaliation and I - I don't want to frighten anyone more than I have to...


You haven't given anyone any reason to be afraid of you.


I do my best. Snuggle. Love you.


If it comes up I'll take care of it. Kiss.




You're so good at rescuing me.


I'm not done yet. 


I know.

And that is terrifying but for the moment he doesn't feel terrified, he feels warm and cozy and safe and in love.


He'll wait around ten minutes to see what kind of state he settles into.


Affectionate and cuddly and... scary things are going to happen but they are not happening yet so he is not yet scared.


And awake and alert?


Name, my darling Taliar?


Annnnd now he's scared.


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