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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Things like what?


Get my head in order, mostly. I've been off balance ever since.


Anything I can help with?


You have been. Kiss. Just stay, and continue not threatening me or coercing me or other things most people do with absolute power, and let's set this country back in order...


Well, that's all easy enough. Kiss. Love you. And I will be absolutely delighted to help you set your country back in order.


I thought you might.


You predicted correctly! So what should I work on today? We raided Mandos, but does anyone else still need reembodiment, do I need to track down stray spirits?


You could look out of idle curiosity but I do not know of any. We raided Mandos for our people, because those were the people we could bring back without a civil war. There are still people there, and perhaps some solution for them.


Yeah, I was more wondering if any of your people were still missing. I might look around for stray spirits at some point but I don't know how urgent it is - what's being dead actually like, should I be worried about the minute-by-minute suffering of the stray spirits -


Not pleasant, but that's more the anticipation that this is it, forever, than any actual unpleasant experience you have. Everything is very muted, but it is otherwise very much like drifting bodiless around the world would be expected to be.




(From that description it seems pretty unambiguously preferable to thirty hours under a rockslide, which is sort of reassuring. Taliar does not want Maitimo to ever have to go through thirty hours under a rockslide or any comparable experience.)


I would much rather have spent thirty hours under the rockslide, he says, and hugs him. Sorry.


Hug. I'm sorry.


Your reasons were good. If you couldn't have controlled it...



He has a pretty clear idea of what the Enemy's best angle would have been, with Taliar trapped under the rockslide until his powers came in. Collapse the continent if he could do that without killing himself - dig up Maitimo, torture him, taunt Taliar about it, taunt Taliar about any other awful things that were happening while Taliar was trapped and helpless... he thinks he could've made it through that with his soul intact but it would've been a close thing, much closer than merely thirty hours of unendurable agony. And maybe the Enemy wouldn't have known enough to choose that tactic, or maybe the Enemy would've just sunk the continent and called it a day, but it seems undeniably better overall that the Enemy thought Taliar was safely dead until it was too late.


Your soul loses exaltation if you are taunted?


Not directly, no. But if the stakes are high and I let myself give up, I'm done. And trapped under a rockslide hearing about you being tortured... I would have a hard time maintaining hope. It'd depend how astute he was, how much he knew about the right places to push me - 'torture a loved one and taunt them about it' is fairly generic as ways to try to break someone go, 'torture arbitrary people and taunt them about it' likewise, it could get a lot worse than that if he was clever about the details...

And now he's sort of curious what angle Maitimo was thinking of when he said he could break Taliar. He's not actually sure which of these two subjects is more depressing.


Kiss. I would have coaxed you to let out your healing aura and then held onto your soul for a few weeks or months while I used the aura to be able to torture people without worrying about killing them or anything, and I'd have ordered Findekáno back here, and checked if you could feel what I was doing, messing with his head, if he was touching your soul while I changed his entire self to suit me, and then I'd hand your soul around to a couple thousand people and then wake you up somewhere and tell you I'd never loved you, or admired anything about you except the way you spread your legs, but that this I was loving and meant to do for as long as it took you to break.


...Taliar laughs and shakes his head and hugs him.

Yeah, you have the right idea. And for once in my life I am perfectly content not to test myself on something. Love you.

(In the end it would effectively come down to the question of whether Taliar is capable of breaking at all. It's possible that he might not be. He can feel the approximate shape his mind would start to take, under that kind of pressure, and it is not a nice shape but it's functional and capable of sustaining his soul more or less intact.

Last time this came up he wasn't willing to let himself think about it at all, because last time it came up he wasn't utterly certain that it was never going to happen, just mostly certain, enough to be going on with. Now it's safe to have the thought in his head because there's nothing in it that sets him up to think antagonistically about Maitimo.)


I should go talk with Findekáno about that, he says. 


About what?


Everything, but mostly his conviction that you're in danger?


Yeah, his conviction that I'm in danger is... is something. I've mostly given up on it, I'm content to let time prove me right, but do you think you have a better angle?


I think so.



He's curious but it seems like potentially not his business. And he prefers that Findekano be okay and it seems like Maitimo talking to him is not straightforwardly a step in that direction - he remembers the relief Findekano sent him when he confirmed Maitimo's death - but he's aware that he's hardly an expert on the situation.

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