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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Why don't you ride in from here. It will unnerve people less. Are you doing other resurrections?


I will be doing other resurrections, as soon as I've figured out how to move the dead around and we've decided how to organize it.

He finds himself distinctly reluctant to get on a horse, which is unsurprising considering what happened last time he was on one of those. He considers how much weight he should give this preference. The stated reason for riding in from here is valid, and it'll be inconvenient if he lets the psychological discomfort steer him into never riding again, and he is certainly capable of making himself do it if he has to, but on the other hand, wow, he really doesn't want to get on a horse.


He raises an eyebrow. One of the first things they teach children, riding, is that after you fall off a horse it is very important to get back on right away.


Yes, they say the same thing in Nuime. I have had some pretty spectacular falls and had it said to me, totally unnecessarily I might add. This is a different order of thing entirely. But if you tell me to get on the horse I'll get on the horse.


Get on the horse. 


Thank you, my love.

He gets on the horse. It's a pretty miserable experience but it's all internal, you wouldn't know it to look at him. Asking Maitimo to tell him to get on the horse makes it much easier to accomplish, which is just as he expected.


It's kind of cute. They ride back to the city.


Taliar spends the whole time in a state of moderate background terror that a mountain is going to fall on him and he's going to spend thirty hours underneath it, but he considers this a reasonable tradeoff and doesn't complain.


Well, if it was going to happen at some point, may as well get it over with sooner. He also dislikes having mountains fall on him, but he does not have that particular problem.


It gets Taliar thinking about things they have planned to do now that the war is over. Overexposure to daffodils, finding out what all his exciting new fears are and seeing if overexposure works on them, spending a week on trust songs... he wonders what happens if you combine trust songs with daffodils. In that order, because the other way around the answer is 'probably can't consent to the trust songs'.


Soul doesn't approve of consent in advance?


It's a bit of a grey area. We could try it anyway; if my soul objects it'll just stop the song from working.


Fair enough.


Taliar thinks he might like to fall asleep on trust songs once they get home. It would be relaxing and he is in need of some relaxation at the moment. And the kind of fear he's having right now isn't the kind that interferes with consenting to mind control.


He might do that. If he feels like it. He is not quite sure.


The ride continues. Taliar's flawlessly concealed misery also continues.

The city is gorgeous in the light of Taliar's healing aura.


People see him. People are confused. He waves and looks calm enough they all calm down. Lots of people are crying.


Taliar realizes he doesn't even know what if any announcements were made about Maitimo's death.


He does! Macalaurë has been giving him a briefing. It is appropriately detailed.


Well, Taliar is sort of curious but a little too busy handling his emotions to ask.


Now his soul can acquire the nightmares power; maybe it can use that to stop being scared of things reminiscent of bad things that happened, that would be a particularly useful power for Taliar.


Maybe so. They'll have to see. His soul is apparently not jumping at the chance to acquire the nightmares power immediately.


Maybe putting the ring on will help. It is in his desk.


(He gets to see his desk again. He died and he thought that was it, for seeing Beleriand or anyone in it, or anything at all for long Ages...)


Taliar is really really eager to see the parts of the palace where he will not have to be on a horse anymore. And then he would like to fall asleep in Maitimo's bed, in Maitimo's arms, ideally on trust songs. This is his plan.


Here is the palace. It is full of cheering people. 

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