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Taliar in Evil Arda
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There isn't. I'm sorry. I - I want you to be okay - I just don't know how to do that and still -


And still give Maitimo everything he wants.


I don't want to give him you. I... the reason I suddenly gained godlike power is because my soul finally acknowledged him. He decided of his own volition not to be a rapist anymore.


Did he.


I don't actually think he realized what my soul would think of it; he seemed surprised when I started glowing all of a sudden.


I thought the reason you were trying so hard to let him have everything was because you needed to win the war.


If I hadn't needed to win the war, I probably wouldn't have stayed with him in the first place. But it wasn't just the war. I genuinely do love him, and - he finds it so hard to believe that, he's so afraid I'll just slip away one day - I get very intense about it when my commitments are doubted. I want to give him everything that's mine to give because I love him and he loves me and we can both be happy that way. And I let him fucking die, because if I'd used my healing aura it would've flooded the continent and alerted the Enemy that I was still alive and on my way to all-powerful and he would've had a day to figure out a more effective way to deal with me while I was still trapped helplessly under a rockslide. Maitimo's last memory is of me refusing to save his life and I can't stand to leave him like that a second longer than I have to.




I'm sorry.


Notice who hasn't ever said that to me.


No response.



He goes back to designing a road across the Helcaraxe.


It comes together nicely.


It does. He's very proud.

He's in the middle of raising walls to shield the road from wind and snow when his resurrection power comes in.

It's very clearly pulled together hastily out of pieces as close to his existing powers as possible - the ability to sense and communicate with the spirits of the dead is linked to his osanwe and continent-sensing powers; the ability to give them form is linked to his healing aura - and as soon as it enters his awareness, he drops what he's working on and focuses only on finding Maitimo.


Maitimo has not moved. No, that's not true, he's drifted a little bit, but if anything in the opposite direction from Mandos.


There's some sort of ability to move the spirits of the dead in here, but Taliar is too frantic to figure out to work it, and he's been moving rock around for several days straight. He reshapes the mountain until local ground level is below Maitimo's spirit, rolling himself down the newly formed cliff into the same location while he's at it, and he reembodies Maitimo and drops enough world-awareness to inhabit his own body properly and clings to him and bursts into tears.


Being reembodied is intensely disconcerting, feels like everything is a thousand times stronger than he remembered it, hurts, but he manages to hug Taliar back and after a few minutes even to realize that that's what he's doing.


What - how - how long, is the war over -


Few days I think, not sure exactly, I lost track of time - war's over though - I killed Melkor - had to get through a day under the rockslide first, I'm so glad you showed me how strong I am, I'm not sure I could've done it without you - oh, my love, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, I missed you so much -


So very hug.


I didn't think you'd bring me back.


That hurts. It hurts to have been doubted and it hurts to have given him reason to doubt. Taliar clings some more and sobs helplessly.


I didn't really blame you, even - it was all to win the war, all to win the war, you could do what I couldn't, twist yourself around to be whatever that took -


I threw my soul at you to win the war. Everything after that was love.

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