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Taliar in Evil Arda
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No, still checking the rest of Angband.


All right then. He... can't think of anything else to do immediately. That's unfortunate. Having things to do may be the only thing keeping him together.

There is one person in the world he can go to for ethical advice right now; there are zero people in the world he can go to for emotional support. This is not good, because he still has to get through a few more days with his mind and soul intact before he'll be able to resurrect Maitimo.

He waits and watches and tries to figure out what to do or who to talk to.


Eventually the army is ready to move.


He has enough practice fiddling with the landscape by now that he can make the ride back very smooth.


You're welcome. Can you think of any other immediate uses for the 'destroy things, move the landscape around, reach anywhere in the world with osanwë' powerset? I'm a bit at loose ends right now. Oh, I don't know if the news has reached you but I cleared out the Valley of Dreadful Death already.


You could make the Helcaraxe passable so others who want to leave Valinor can?


Sure, that sounds reasonable.

He goes and has a look at the Helcaraxe. How might it be made easier to cross?


It is freezing and extremely mountainous and covered in ice and snow.


His temperature control is still not great and any changes he made with it wouldn't be permanent, but he can totally deal with the mountainousness. He happily dives into the problem of analyzing the terrain and figuring out exactly where and how to install a nice flat road. And it should be a pretty road, these being Elves.


The King sends couriers to tell everyone what's going on. The Elves gather and sing and cry.


Taliar's body sits on top of a rockslide in perfect health and breathes and doesn't do much else. Taliar works on bridging the Helcaraxe. This road needs to take an efficient route, but if he just draws a straight line from one end to the other and demolishes every mountain that stands in the way, that seems... aesthetically suboptimal. He really doesn't know where to strike that balance. Maybe he should consult an Elf about it. Whose opinions does he respect the most out of currently living people...

Findekano? Someone suggested I make the Helcaraxe passable and I'm having trouble figuring out my approach; do you want to help me out?


...all right. What are you trying to do?


I can't do much about the weather but I can fix the terrain. I'm thinking a road, a big and very sturdy one, maybe covered or partly covered. But if there are going to be Elves crossing it, I need to make it beautiful, and I don't have a good sense of how to balance efficiency with aesthetics when I'm choosing the route.

He sends images of some of the options he's considering - the straight line, and a few that meander a little more.


If you track close to the sea people can fish, makes it easier to make it across inadequately supplied.


Yeah, good point...

He designs a route based around that constraint. Prettier and more hospitable than the straight line. How's that look?





Maitimo's dead?




Currently, yes.


He doesn't say anything, but he does send what he's feeling - a sudden, dizzying relief, like slipping off something heavy you've been carrying a very long time.


Well. Fuck.

I... I can't not resurrect him, says Taliar.


Confusion. Exhaustion. Worry - is the country falling apart -


No - it doesn't look like it, anyway - I just - I -

He notices distantly that his body is crying.

I don't even know where to begin to explain. There's nothing I can say that I actually think will justify it to you, and we've gone around enough times on our differences of opinion about my relationship with him. But if I don't bring him back I'm betraying him and betraying myself.


Do you have to do it right away?


...I can't think of anything that would convince me to delay past the point where I pick up a resurrection power at all, but you're welcome to try.


I'd want time to leave but there's nowhere to go, is there. Nowhere you, and therefore he, can't reach...

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