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Taliar in Evil Arda
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What an utterly delightful dream. He does not wake him up, but he's beaming at him when he awakens.


He wakes up afraid but not insensate with it the way he usually is after a bad nightmare, and he blinks a few times and sorts through his memories of the dream and... blushes.

Well, that's a new one.


I approve of this development!


Taliar giggles. Me too! You scared my nightmare away before I even woke up! Of course, if you're dissatisfied with my dream's depiction and want to take a turn yourself—do we have time this morning—


Probably not for quite that much fun, but a little.


Love you forever, he says, snuggling up.


Good, he says, winding his hands through Taliar's hair and pulling him closer.


Taliar is extremely cooperative. Unlike his dream self, he is fully aware of exactly who he's with; he unreservedly enjoys his lingering fear. After all, Maitimo is his favourite thing to be scared by.

You're beautiful, you're terrifying, you're amazing, I love you.


I'm so happy I have you.


It is a lovely healing tour.


It's so lovely! And Taliar gets to see all of Maitimo's brothers again, which is awesome, because Maitimo's brothers are great!


Maitimo's brothers will marginally raise their eyebrows at Maitimo having acquired another man, but they are perfectly polite to the extent Fëanorians ever are! In Tyelcormo's case this involves rolling his eyes and then acting entirely normal.


That's good. Tyelcormo is pretty great and Taliar would hate to have to be offended by him. He is happy to chat without bringing up the subject of Maitimo's acquisition of him at all whatsoever.

Although the eyeroll makes him briefly wonder whether Maitimo's brothers are going to think Maitimo is coercing him, because he feels like that would be really weird and awkward and yet it would also be really weird and awkward to try to correct them about it!


Everyone is defaulting to the assumption Maitimo would have been willing to coerce him but probably hasn't often needed to, what with being Maitimo and Taliar being an overawed human.


...Taliar feels like this assumption fails to take into account some basic facts about his nature as a person, but he supposes he can live with it. Most people do not actually need to understand the subtle distinction between 'overawed human' and 'Taliar in love'.


Yes, this is not a conversation he can successfully have in a society who thinks all same-sex relationships are wrong and definitely none are about love.


He can cuddle his boyfriend and be frustrated with local cultural attitudes, though. That is a thing he can totally do.


I've always rather liked it, really.


If someone gives themselves to me, everyone in the world who knew that would regard them as my property. It's nice.


Taliar laughs. Of course it is. You're so yourself, Maitimo. I love you. But - I don't know, I find the assumptions frustrating. I am with you of my own will. I am going to stay with you forever, of my own will.

He remembers very clearly when his own will was the only thing keeping him by Maitimo's side.

I'm yours because I want to be, because I choose to be. Not out of coercion, not because I'm helpless before your strength and beauty. I love you and I will love you forever and I made my commitments to you freely, out of love, because you are the person I want to spend my eternity with, and - and it's annoying to have that reduced to 'oh, Maitimo must have overawed the human'.





I like that you do not consider yourself a prisoner. I like that you chose this. I also like that everyone knows you're mine. 



I am glad that you like the first two things. My feelings about the third are more complicated, but... I love you, and I love the way your mind works, and I don't mind you liking it.


Love you forever.


I love you too.

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