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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Taliar is the most cooperative toy in the world and then some. He spends the whole time in a state of mingled fear and joy, gloriously in love, often not having a coherent verbal thought for minutes at a time.

I love you so much, he says when it's over. Thank you. That was amazing. I barely even remember having a nightmare at all.


My pleasure, he says very firmly. You are a delight.


I may still need the day off to recover but for much, much nicer reasons. Wow.

He wants to snuggle Maitimo so much, but he isn't sure he has the energy or coordination to move. What a dilemma.


Maitimo can move him into snuggling position.


Taliar breathes a sigh of deep contentment. You're so good to me, my love.


You're so good, so obedient, so - mine -


Love you forever. We're going to have an eternity together and it's going to be amazing.


He feels so happy and cozy and safe and peaceful and content and magnificently, transcendently in love...

Touch my soul, please, I want to be completely lost in this.


So he does that.


And Taliar drowns in love and joy and Maitimo. There's fear in there, too, but it's a pleasant fear, he enjoys it, he's glad of it. Everything about this moment is perfect.


Eventually he takes the soul with him and goes back to work, and spends the whole day basking in Taliar's overwhelmed-with-intimacy head.




When he eventually lets go, it takes Taliar several minutes to regain his capacity for coherent thought.

...Did you leave me here all day, my love? he says, laughing. Well, that's one way to interpret 'taking the day off to recover', I guess.


I love how you go completely insensate the second I touch your soul. I'd keep you like that for longer but you need to eat and so on.


Technically as long as you let me have a minute to heal myself every so often I don't think I can actually dangerously starve, the healing aura wouldn't put up with that... it still gets kind of uncomfortable to go a long time without food or water, though. How late is it, are we having dinner soon?


Yes, half an hour.


All right. Love you.

He yawns and sits up and wraps his arms around himself to run his fingertips along the letters of the name written into his skin, sighing happily.

By dinnertime, he's capable of getting up and walking around and everything. He sits in Maitimo's lap and eats dinner and leans on him and feels good and cozy and safe.


You ready to do that healing tour?


Yeah. I will miss you to a ridiculous degree, but yeah.


I'm sure I could think of things to do if I toured the kingdom.


Taliar grins.

Love you so much. It's probably impractical for us to spend literally every day of the rest of eternity together, or perhaps more to the point every night, but I want to anyway because I am unreasonably in love with you.


We might be able to make it work.


Snuggle. Kiss. Well, let's give it a try.


So he accompanies the healing tour around his kingdom.


Taliar is overjoyed to be able to heal people on a grand scale again, and also overjoyed to be able to do it without having to go several weeks without Maitimo. He missed Maitimo terribly on his first healing tour and they hadn't even kissed at that point.

But Maitimo is accompanying the healing tour and that means Taliar still gets to kiss him and fall asleep in his arms, and that is exactly how things should be.


A few days in, he dreams of Nahira.

She corners him in the hall outside his bedroom and whispers threats and promises in his ear—

—and then Maitimo appears, tall and beautiful, and slashes her throat open with a knife, and says in a tone of cold anger, "I don't let anyone damage my things." The dream gets his voice and face and mannerisms just right, although it has him speaking Nuimena for some reason, with a beautiful Quenya accent.

Dream-Taliar closes his eyes in relief and dream-Maitimo picks him up and pets his hair and hums soothingly and carries him out of the castle into a dream version of his rooms in the palace, where he proceeds to tie dream-Taliar to the dream bed over his confused and frightened protests - dream-Taliar is caught between the mindset of Taliar as he is now and Taliar as he was then, and only half recognizes Maitimo at all. There follows a remarkably imaginative, occasionally physically improbable interval of dream-Maitimo making sure he is the only thing on dream-Taliar's mind. He writes his name in Taliar's back, again and again, carving deeper every time until the point of the knife drags across his ribs; he holds the blade to Taliar's throat and says, "Tell me you're mine," and Taliar does, over and over, sobbing with fear. The part of him that never left Atialemain is terrified out of his mind, but the part of him that recognizes Maitimo loves every second of it.

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