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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Okay. Love you.

Kisses. Exhilaratingly scary kisses.


He's patient. He's affectionate. It doesn't even feel internally like being manipulative, catering to Taliar like this after he's pushed him. 


Taliar has a lovely time, and then he curls up and snuggles his wonderful boyfriend and feels good and cozy and safe.


And he kisses him and murmurs affectionate things and this time sleeps when he does.


Another good night's sleep, another pleasant day, another lovely dinner. He doesn't even seriously consider asking for trust songs this time; it's been a good day and he's not frightened at all. In fact, sitting in Maitimo's lap after dinner, he feels so utterly safe and happy and in love that he hands Maitimo his soul on impulse, just to celebrate the feeling, to let them both enjoy it more fully.


It's so cute when he does that. It's also cute when he's fiercely resisting the urge to stop Maitimo from taking it. Everything is cute.


He loves Maitimo so much and trusts him so much... this is one of those times when soul-touching intimacy feels completely right and perfect.


All in all it is an adorably quick recovery from the worst non-psychological-games short-duration thing Maitimo can think of doing to him.


Well, the next night he's a little scared again, but then he ends up actively enjoying it that way, so yeah, he's doing pretty well for himself.


Taliar, he concludes, is just really malleable, and will therefore eventually be shaped exactly according to his tastes. It's perfect.


A few more days go by. He finds himself kind of missing the fear as it fades. He wonders idly if there's things they could do to intentionally bring it back, if he ends up really in the mood for sex-while-terrified at a time when he hasn't had any convenient nightmares lately...


"I can probably still be scary. You come back if you die, I can definitely still be scary."


...Taliar grins. "I love you so much."


"That is the cutest reaction to a death threat in recorded history."


He giggles. "Well it was a really endearing death threat! Endearing maybe isn't exactly the right word. Attractive? It was a very attractive death threat."


"I aspire to deliver only terrifyingly arousing death threats."


"I have immense faith in your ability to do that," says Taliar, "and we should definitely try it sometime."


"We should."


And this particular death threat may have been more endearing than terrifying but it hit the other mark pretty well. Taliar thinks it is time for kisses now.


Taliar is inexhaustible. It's adorable.


Well Taliar has such a beautiful brilliant terrifyingly arousing boyfriend!


Time marches on. Taliar and his soul continue to enjoy magical engineering immensely.

It's about a week later when Taliar finds himself in a hard-to-define mood, sort of restless but at the same time very secure and comfortable. It's with him all day, and sitting in Maitimo's lap after dinner he thinks about it and something clicks and he says, I think I want you to scare me tonight.


I think it's terribly indulgent of me to only scare you when you ask for it but on the other hand it delights me so that you ask for it. 


I appreciate your indulgence very much! says Taliar, hugging him. If you ever want to do it when I haven't asked, I'm sure we can figure out a way for me to still feel safe afterward. We're so good at this healthy relationship thing.

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