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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. He wraps his hands around his soul so Maitimo will not run the risk of touching it, and then he snuggles adoringly into Maitimo's arms. Everything about this situation is so good and he is so happy and in love.


And he can just - have this - if anything it probably helps with the war - more thorough kissing seems in order - 


Yes what an excellent idea.

The view of the city is beautiful, and Maitimo is also beautiful, and you'd think that Taliar would at some point get acclimated and stop being so absurdly overjoyed about Maitimo kissing him but no that does not seem to be happening witness his continued state of absurd joy.


And he relaxes, and holds him, and basks in being so intensely adored.


The adoration is very intense. His soul glows with joy; a little of the light leaks past his fingers, blue and gold and silver, making everything it touches a little bit more beautiful. Taliar thinks that Maitimo's face in the light of his soul is the most amazingly, transcendently lovely thing he has ever seen.


You should see a Silmaril, he says, once we've won the war. 


Humans require sleep, I should take you inside.


Yes, humans do require sleep, that is a feature of humans. I love you. What do Silmarils look like?

(It would be very reasonable to go inside and go to sleep but he is not actually sure he can muster enough reasonableness to prefer that to staying in Maitimo's arms forever - some part of him seems to half-expect that being scooped up and carried out to the balcony and kissed is just a one-time thing, and if that's the case it's definitely worth losing some sleep to extend the moment a little longer...)


No, no, we can do this every night. He sends what Silmarils look like. He carries Taliar inside to sleep.


Taliar contemplates the image of the Silmarils, gazes up at Maitimo, opens his hands a little to let the light of his soul shine more directly on Maitimo's face, and declares with serene confidence, This is prettier.


He is tempted to not let him sleep after all but that's such a perfect moment -

- Elaneth-imire, he says, shaking his head. You are a delight and I want you to end my war and be mine forever. 


I can think of nothing that would make me happier.

Competing ideas spring to mind as soon as he says it, of course, but they all revolve around the same essential theme of solving problems and helping people while loving Maitimo and being with him forever.


Good night.


Goodnight. I love you.


He dreams about his soul finally noticing how amazing Maitimo is. In the dream he becomes something very like a god, and he erases the Enemy with a thought and bridges the gap between this world and his own and blankets them both in healing light, all while curled up cozily in Maitimo's arms.




He sleeps well too. He arranges for Taliar to be sent all his favorite things for breakfast.


Of course he does because he is amazing. Taliar definitely notices that this is a particularly excellent breakfast, and definitely guesses who is to blame for this happenstance, and he feels that the best response is to eat his breakfast and enjoy it immensely and glow with love and happiness.

(It's so weird that his soul has not noticed how amazing Maitimo is. How can his soul not notice how amazing Maitimo is. Maitimo is so amazing.)


Vaguely worrying, but it seems like Taliar'll still be able to win the war, so. He works all day and shows Taliar what he's working on and tries not to worry too much about which mess the soul magic is holding against him.


Taliar talks to his new friends and learns more about magical engineering and listens delightedly to everything Maitimo shows him, has he mentioned that Maitimo is amazing, what a brilliant king...


He has mentioned. It's so delightful. They can get dinner together and compare notes for the day that they didn't hear from each other anyway.


Taliar keeps gazing adoringly at Maitimo and/or being distracted by their conversation and forgetting he has food in front of him, it's kind of a problem.


Eating is important. Perhaps Taliar can sit in his lap and be fed, then he'll remember the food exists.



Yes that is an excellent solution Maitimo is so clever.

In addition to making Taliar uncontainably delighted again, it also does in fact succeed in getting him to eat and enjoy his dinner.


Good. And it means it's hardly any maneuvering at all to steal him away outside again after dinner. Different balcony, different view.


The balcony is gorgeous. The view is gorgeous. Maitimo is the most gorgeous of all gorgeous things.


Yes. Taliar is extremely confident in this assessment. Maitimo: the prettiest. Accept no substitutes.

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