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Taliar in Evil Arda
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...Taliar blushes. "No! It's - you - we haven't even - no!"


I like your society's rules for this much more than mine, he says, giggling.


Kelora smiles. "Oh? What are yours, then?"


Marriage is a magical soul bond that happens automatically whenever two Elves engage in the intimate act that could produce children.



"...I like ours much better too."


...and yeah she's definitely wondering how many Elves end up magically soul-married through rape. That is the sort of thing you wonder when you grew up in Seofar's court.


And is a thing that happens. He squeezes Taliar's shoulder.


That seems like a problem that should at some point be solved. He can probably branch oath erasure into magical soul divorce... it's one of those tricky things that will need actual thought put into it, though, because if the magical soul bonds are not normally capable of going away then providing that capability will tend to cause social upheaval, there's a reason he's only used the oath erasure once and it's not just that he's been busy...


She looks a little less grave when she sees Taliar with his problem-solving face on.

"...oh, and that would mean you couldn't marry Taliar your way at all, wouldn't it, every magical soul marriage would be - I suppose not necessarily spring, but it would carry some of the same implications, certainly. That does seem annoying."


Indeed. Everyone knows he's mine, but our kind of marriages you can see in someone's eyes and that we cannot have.


"'Cannot' is a strong word to use in the presence of Dawn-shining Taliar," she says with a hint of a smile.


I should really know better by now.


"Have you thought about it at all? I couldn't quite tell from the incoherent spluttering."


"I brought up the possibility once early on and explained the four varieties of non-magical marriage and got sidetracked into talking about interesting societal differences and then we never talked about it again."


"We're not going to be doing any inheritance in Nuimë but it could be nice, sometime."


"It's not always about inheritance! Winter marriages exist!"


"I know, you told me!"


Taliar giggles and hugs him. "We can talk about it sometime. No rush, we have forever. But... it'd be nice."


"And you're practically already wearing wedding jewelry," she says to Taliar.


She means the name on his back. He blushes again. "It really does not serve any of the same social functions!"


He kisses him. "I will consider it."


Kiss. "There really isn't the option of 'everyone knows he's mine' in Nuime the way it works in Arda, but 'everyone knows we're together' is doable and I'd like it."

(He quotes the phrase rather than change it to 'everyone knows I'm yours' because... they don't, really. When Maitimo says it it's true, the thing everyone knows is the thing he wants them to know; but there are very few people of whom Taliar could say they know he is Maitimo's and mean that they understand it correctly in the ways that are important to him. In fact, three out of the four of them are in this room.)


Yes, we don't have to go for something that people will misunderstand.


And oh boy would they ever misunderstand it. In Maitimo's kingdom, people are content to leave him alone about his vaguely sketchy private life, whatever they may think of it; in Nuime, Taliar is a universally-recognized hero but not really taken quite seriously enough for people to definitely believe him if he said he didn't need rescuing. It would be a mess.


I understand.

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