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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Me too! Trusting you is very rewarding!


And loving you is very rewarding.


Taliar grins. And kisses him again. I'm very glad of that. I love making you happy. And fascinating you with all the interesting things we can do to my mind.

He wonders how much of their time off is left, and discovers that he has absolutely no idea whatsoever. The rockslide messed up his perception of time pretty badly and all of the torture since then hasn't been helping. It's not that big a deal, he doesn't have a busy schedule he needs to keep track of, but it's definitely a noticeable side effect.


We have another two days.


And I can already move and think and remember the awful parts without my mind locking up! I'm so good at this!

He still doesn't feel entirely ready to rejoin the world, though. He could do it if he really had to, but his mind still feels a little off-balance, and... oh, maybe this other sensation is sleepiness. Is it sleepiness? It is! He is sleepy. Luckily he has time to sleep!


Night, darling Taliar.


Goodnight, my love.

He curls up and goes to sleep.

...He sleeps dreamlessly for about twenty hours. But when he wakes up he feels very cozy and well-rested.


Wow, you were tired.


Did I sleep late?


Just a bit. Twenty hours.


...He giggles.

That's kind of ridiculous but on the other hand I was awake for two months straight and being tortured for most of it so actually I'm impressed with myself for only needing twenty hours.


And your healing aura is impressive, you didn't need any food or anything. You should definitely eat now, though.


Oh yeah I totally forgot about that. I should definitely eat now!


He did not forget about that. Here is food.


I love you and your attention to detail, says Taliar.

Food! Cuddles!


Yes! Both those things!


And then there is no more food. But there are still cuddles.

Well, sleeping for twenty hours seems to have helped me a lot. I'm pretty sure all my senses are back to normal, and my memory's doing much better too...


What's her name?


Oh look at that he's still capable of feeling fear.




Kiss. It's okay, you haven't done anything for two months and are going to want to do things, I will patiently wait for a more convenient occasion to torture you.


Awwww. Taliar grins and hugs him. You're so thoughtful.


So I'm told! Your family's going to miss you, I wouldn't want to be responsible for that.


When I feel up to going places - and you have the time - I should take you to meet Kelora.


You should.


It'll be great, she likes you, she doesn't tend to go much above neutral on most people so it's always nice to introduce her to somebody she really takes to.

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