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Taliar in Evil Arda
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It is, of course, a stunningly pretty city, mostly in white stone, opening on the sea.


It's lovely. Where's Findekano.


Lives in that big stone house with his sister and her son.


So Taliar goes to that big stone house.


And after a minute the door swings open and - "Oh. Hello."


"Hi. I'd like to talk to Findekano. And you too, I guess."


"I don't know if he wants to talk to you."


"That's fair," says Taliar. "I can tell you what I'm here for and you can decide whether to pass it on?"


"Go ahead."


"I feel like the situation with Maitimo and Findekano is a problem. I asked Maitimo if I could solve it. My solution is: erase Findekano's oaths to Maitimo, resurrect his dead family members, and send him, them, and anyone else who wants to go with them to live in Nuime where they and Maitimo will be mutually inaccessible for most purposes. I am here to offer that solution."



"...I'll tell him." Finno? Maitimo's boyfriend is here to offer to bring back our parents and Arákano and take anyone who wants to go with us to another dimension.


And a second later, "We accept."


"Okay," he says. "Can I come in, then? How many people am I resurrecting, do you have plenty of room for them all to spend a few minutes adjusting to existing again before I call the ride to Nuime, does he in fact want the oaths gone?"


"Of course he wants the fucking oaths gone. It would be around a hundred people, total, maybe?"


He erases the oaths; his soul flares silver-gold.

"Oaths are gone. I can do a hundred resurrections just fine and my ride to Nuime won't complain either but I'll need somebody to read my mind while I go look at Mandos and point out to me which people I'm looking for."


"Everyone still in Mandos."


"Okay then, in that case I need somewhere to sit while I'm not paying attention to my body and somewhere to put a hundred reembodied people."

He notifies his father to get in touch with Nezhefena.


She gestures at a nearby stone bench. "And put them in our courtyard inside."



He sits. He looks at Mandos. He builds a hundred spirit-paths and explains to every dead Elf remaining: this is who I am, this is what I'm offering, if you would like to be reembodied and sent to live in another universe go thataway.


They all go.


And he reembodies them all. No clothes no braids. He tells his father to scare up a wardrobe for the new arrivals.


They braid their hair and wait in the courtyard to be taken to another universe.


Here is Nezhefena to take them to another universe, twenty at a time. They arrive in the imperial palace's prettiest garden.


They are still overwhelmed from being reembodied but Findekáno will tell her to thank whoever arranged that, it was thoughtful of them.


"I'll tell him you said so," she says agreeably, translating for herself over osanwe. "That's everyone, then?"


That is everybody.

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