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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"Well, then, we can talk about something else. I'll catch you up on the political situation."


Taliar is very happy to cuddle with his friend and listen to her talk about politics for hours.

His visit continues.

Oath erasure branches off his healing aura, a targeted effect like resurrection. He finds Nezhefena and asks how many passengers she can take at a time, and she shrugs and says she could probably manage twenty or so.

Is twenty people every five seconds fast enough to feasibly transport everyone that Findekano and his family might want to bring to Nuime, or should I wait for a world-transit power of my very own? he asks Maitimo.


Should be fast enough. I doubt they'd want to take many people with them to begin with, maybe more once they've made up their mind about your emperor.


All right then.

He flares his healing aura over all of Nuime one more time and then asks Nezhefena to take him back to Maitimo's conference room, checking with Maitimo first to make sure their arrival won't interrupt anything.


Maitimo is so delighted to have his boyfriend back.


Taliar is also delighted! Taliar kind of leaps into Maitimo's arms and kisses him enthusiastically the very moment they are in the same room.

Okay, interworld communication, his osanwe is clearly capable of reaching between worlds, it just only wants to do it for people he's very very close to - Father?


Yes, it works fine, now go enjoy your reunion with your boyfriend.


Your parents are wonderful.


I have interworld osanwe, you can go home without worrying about precisely scheduling your next visit, he tells Nezhefena. She goes home.

And yes, they are, aren't they?


I'm so happy.


Me too. I love you so much. I'm glad that my father and Kelora and Esarkan all like you and my mother's on her way to it. Kelora was so right that - I could have carried it on my own forever, but it's better for me that I got to tell her all our most horrifying gossip and have her understand and agree with me that I'm okay.


You were so alone when I was dead - you need people -


I really, really do, yeah. I like all the exaltation friends I made here but - I'm really not close to any of them - I'm very very glad that I have interworld osanwe now.


It is very convenient!


It is!

Hug. Kiss.

Love you forever, missed you ridiculously, it's only been a couple of days and yet here I am even more all over you than usual.


I missed you too. Kiss.



I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy...

He won, he killed the evil god, he got to go home, he introduced his boyfriend to his family and it went well, he caught up with Kelora and that went well too, and now he is back in Maitimo's arms, which is his favourite place to be. Everything is wonderful.


It all went amazingly well, he agrees, and pulls Taliar off to bed.


Maitimo's bed: also one of Taliar's favourite places to be!

You know what else I miss? I miss trust songs.


I expect I could fix that.


Love you forever.

He has a lovely time getting high on trust songs.


Everything is lovely. He's so happy.


It's great!

And they now have all the pieces in place to send Taliar to go talk to Findekano, whenever Maitimo would like to do that.


Maitimo will cling a little, but eventually send Taliar to go do that.


Taliar hugs Maitimo so much.

And then he goes to Nevrast.

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