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Taliar in Evil Arda
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—oh he's so glad. He grins delightedly.

Love you.


Love you! 


And he gets back to work.


And Taliar catches up with his friends and family.

Esarkan appears to think it's hilarious that Taliar's mind is under constant observation by his new boyfriend, but won't explain the joke. There are a lot of parental hugs. Kelora's in town; Taliar drops by to see her at the first opportunity.


When she looks up from her desk and sees him in the doorway of her study, she smiles and comes around to greet him.


He hugs her tightly.

"Oh, Kelora, Kelora, I missed you so much," he says, blinking back tears. "How have you been - has your grandfather driven you mad yet - did you hear I've got a boyfriend now—?"


"I did hear that," she says, hugging him back. "Your father told me that you'd found love in the other world and I shouldn't worry, and I of course found that worrying, and then I realized that he would have known that was going to happen and felt it was worth telling me not to worry anyway, so I concluded by being very worried indeed. What's the lucky man's name, and what is his dark secret?"


"Nelyafinwë Maitimo," says Taliar, smiling faintly, and he notices Kelora go still for a moment in surprise. He can't think of anything about the name that would be worth that reaction. "...What?"


She pulls back from the hug and regards him curiously.

"You glowed blue for a moment. Very faintly - I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't already been hugging you."


...Taliar blushes. "Um."


Kelora waits patiently.


"So, uh," he says, "feel entirely free to stop me if the details of my intimate relationships are not something you're interested in, but. He, um. He carved his name in my back with a knife and my soul has been known to make it glow blue at aesthetically appropriate moments."




"Can I see?"


Taliar wouldn't do this for just anyone, but... she's Kelora. It's okay.

He takes off his shirt and turns his back.


She traces the letters with her fingertips and watches them glow a pure soft blue. Then she hugs him again, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and resting her cheek on top of his head.

"What happened to you out there?" she murmurs.


He relaxes into her arms. Another coming-home feeling.

"... A lot of things," he admits. "But I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm exactly where I want to be, doing exactly what I want to do."


"I believe you," she says, letting go.

She doesn't need to remind him that he hasn't yet told her the dark secret.


She does indeed not need to remind him of that.

He puts his shirt back on.

"Are you sure you want to know? Because I could just - not. But if you want me to tell you everything, I will."


"I'd rather know. But if there's a lot of everything, we should go sit down."

She leads him out to her sitting room and sits with him on a small comfortable couch, hugging him again as they settle in. Then she waits.


"So, um... your level of worry was pretty well-calibrated," he starts. "But I should start at the beginning. He's a king. He was at war with an evil god, had been for a long time. When I vanished, I appeared right in front of him with my healing aura still on. He got excited about the possibilities pretty quickly, and we hit it off, by which I mean I fell in love with him near-instantly and didn't notice for a good while because my soul wasn't reacting and, well, you know."

He sighs and leans on her.

"I went on a healing tour of his kingdom and met all his brothers - there's six and they're all great - and came back and he had dinner with me and then picked me up and carried me out onto a balcony with an absolutely beautiful view of his capital city and kissed me. It was, it was... honestly the best thing that had ever happened to me. The way he handles his kingdom, Kelora - I have a serious weakness for administrative competence, it turns out - that tour was like walking around the inside of his soul and if I hadn't been in love with him already I definitely would've been by the end of it."


"Should I warn Grandfather?" she teases.


...He cracks up. "Kelora! No! Do not do that!"


"So it's not just administrative competence. Go on."


Taliar takes a moment to let his giggles subside.

"He had a consort, Findekano. I asked where he kept his Kazarynes, you know, every good ruler needs one, and he said it was all Findekano, that I'd get along well with him, that he was the best person Maitimo knew... he was off on a trip at the time, handling something in a distant arm of the kingdom. He came back after I'd been with Maitimo for a few weeks. We all had dinner together, and Maitimo wanted - well. And - I should explain, Elves can swear magically binding oaths and the magical binding is not fucking around, it can even change how you think - my soul chose that moment to explain what its problem with Maitimo was."

He has to pause for a second to get his thoughts in order. He knows Kelora won't get impatient.

"...He was keeping him prisoner, under oaths, some of them mind-altering. If I'd - he would have - and Maitimo - it's - my soul obviously couldn't handle it - because I still loved him, everything I'd loved about him was true, it just happened to be true at the same time as - and there was the evil god to consider, I'd be throwing lives away if I fought him, his kingdom was still by far my best prospect for staying safe from the evil god while I worked on my exaltation - and I was confident he did want the evil god defeated - I had to stay, I had to build myself back up as fast as possible and that meant staying - I threw my soul at him."


...Kelora hugs him silently.


"However bad you think soul-touching is, it's worse," he says. "Sometimes. Sometimes it's not. But it - magnifies everything you feel about someone, it makes them into your whole universe and then some - and needless to say I was not feeling unambiguously positive about Maitimo at that moment - it wasn't comfortable. I was right, though, that he still wanted the evil god defeated. I checked my soul's opinions and it said under no circumstances could it recover while Maitimo was still keeping his consort as a, a sex slave. He let him go. But my soul had no such protection for me, because of course it didn't, right, I'm allowed to condone harm to myself. So. I was pretty much expecting a year of Atialemain."

He shakes his head.

"It turned out a lot better than that. Maitimo... he's hard to explain, but he's not, he's not like that, d'you know what I mean? He's more like Esarkan, it's, they're not virtuous people but I'd still call them good in the way that counts."

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