Feather didn't realize this was odd when the committee met on the first day of the convention, but in retrospect it really stands out that the other committees have been bringing actual laws to a vote while all they have is a toothless 'recommendation to the Queen'. Closing the portal to Hell requires the archmages and they can't pass a law telling them what to do - Elie Cotonnet outright struck down some would-be laws that they voted for - but stopping the murder of dryads is surely a valid law. The floor would probably vote the same way for a law as for a recommendation.
This wouldn't have happened if that horrible woman didn't decide to have her fun by way of hurting the forests. Even if the vote for the recommendation passes, they can't propose an actual law the next day, that would probably insult the Queen after explicitly giving her a mere recommendation. Especially if the Queen decides to ignore the recommendation. Presumably she won't bother passing a decree just to say 'I am ignoring the recommendation and the law remains the same.' Which could mean no-one can tell if she's still considering it, or ignored it, or actually decided against it. Anyway to bring up a real law for a vote it would have to pass the committee and the horrible Eulalia would block that.
...maybe Voshrelka has a better plan? Feather thought she was trading not-killing-dryads for plant growths, but surely she wouldn't trade them for merely voting up a suggestion if the Queen ignores it, so - she must be doing some strategic groveling behind the scenes to make the Queen endorse it (if it passes), otherwise why even work through the Convention?
...Who do they have speaking up to second the suggestion? They need to at least explain to the floor that dryads are all Good and that they die if you kill their trees! The Sower didn't actually explain why it's much more important to stop harvesting dryad trees than other trees! She gets in line to speak.