Brilliance in Elcenia
"Brilliance. What's yours? I heard it but then I forgot."
A table! His trays settle delicately onto it and then cease to glow. He sits down and contemplates the array of foods in front of him.
A table! His trays settle delicately onto it and then cease to glow. He sits down and contemplates the array of foods in front of him.
Brilliance selects a thing, mostly going by what stands out colour-wise from its immediate environment, and attempts to apply utensils to it. He hasn't ever used a spoon before, but it's not that hard to figure out from observation.
So that's what food is like.
He stares at his trays in amazement and then starts excitedly sampling more things, this time going mostly by whatever is closest.
So that's what food is like.
He stares at his trays in amazement and then starts excitedly sampling more things, this time going mostly by whatever is closest.
"Wow," is as much as he's willing to say given that he cannot speak and eat simultaneously.
Brilliance pays enough attention to mostly not fuck up the use of any of them, although he does accidentally stab himself in the face with a fork. This causes him to start giggling.
As soon as he is no longer laughing too hard, he goes right back to experiencing foods. So many foods! And they are all so - so foods! He is seriously starting to wonder how people can bring themselves to ever do anything other than eat.
At last, there is no more food on either of his trays.
He hugs himself and sighs.
"Wow. And I can just - keep doing that?" he says. "Wow."
He hugs himself and sighs.
"Wow. And I can just - keep doing that?" he says. "Wow."