<...Or not. What did they even do?>
<They summoned you at random in an ill-advised attempt to impress a classmate. It shouldn't have affected what magic you have, but depending on how your magic works, it might have made it less accessible - for example, wizardry, the kind they used to summon you, wouldn't work outside of this world.>
He tries a fast mass-finding spell to locate the nearest ten planets, adjusting for the fact that this dimension seems to have constant atmosphere even in deep space. That works just fine, and they're plenty far enough away, so he shifts forms (if Keo is watching, she may find that his emotions ripple strangely) and whispers the incantation that destroyed his creators' planet.
That also works.
<The rest of my magic doesn't seem to have anything wrong with it,> he says. <It's just interworld travel I can't do. No big deal, I guess. It's not like I have anywhere to be.>
<I was pretty distressed at first,> he reminds her. <But yeah, a whole universe is plenty big enough for me. Especially now that I don't have to spend all my time trying not to blow any of it up.>
He estimates the coordinates to land on the other side of the door that he remembers led out of Korulen and Saasnil's room, and teleports back to the school.
<What kind of school is it? School of Weird Magic?>
<Your commonplace magic is still plenty weird to me,> he observes, peering around curiously and going up to a wall to touch it. He forgot the sensory immediacy of this form.
<How's it work? I'm not detecting any energy sources. Far as I can tell, this whole universe is magically null.>
<...We have got to be talking at cross-purposes here,> he says. <I've been to at least a couple dozen worlds and magic worked the same way in all of them. Is my magic really popular or is your world really weird or what?>
<'More adjacent' sounds like it's on the right track. The coordinates I'm getting for this world are... kind of strange. It feels like, I don't know, like I've been jumping around between planets and now I'm in a whole different - why does this language not have a word for "galaxy"? Even "solar system" sounds wrong. Does this have to do with the thing where the whole universe is full of air?>
<All the universes I've been to are mostly full of vacuum. Which you only barely have a word for, apparently. Planets have air, some of 'em, and moons can too if they're big enough, but in between those there's nothing.>
There's one!
It has a sign: Stairs - Do Not Enter - Use Lifts
<Why is there a warning sign on your stairs?>