remedial goodness for Chelish archdukes
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"It is actually not a crime right now to lie to an agent of the law. I think that the reason for this is that, while you now have a just and good government that you should not lie to, and that you mostly do not need to lie to in order to protect your families.... none of you yet have reason to believe it. Iomedae believes that people should earn obedience before they demand it, and earn trust before they count on having it. It will probably be a crime to lie to an agent of the law once your agents of the law have had time to learn to be Iomedaeans and you have had time to learn that they are trustworthy."


Guim was literally ordered to kill babies not two weeks ago. Sort of. Like, no one literally said, "Guim, kill that baby, specifically", but -

It seems like it would be really unhelpful to the Archduke to say so, though, so he's not going to, whatever Iomedae wants.


There's also not a rule that priests have to tell the truth. Obviously.



"Could the man have repented if the babies were already dead?"


"Yes. It would be more difficult, there'd be much more to repent of, but there is no Evil so profound it is actually impossible to repent of."


"Is there a list of all the evil things to repent of?"


"Evil acts are those that harm other people. If you wouldn't want someonne to do it to you, it's probably Evil. The most important Evil acts that people are frequently damned for are murder, including of children and of babies, rape, including forcing someone to have sex with you when it is legal for you to do that, torturing people, mistreating people in your power, letting people die or suffer when you had responsibilities to them or could easily have protected them, reporting people to an Evil government that will torture and kill them, and serving Evil gods who want to torture everybody forever."


" depends some on the reasons. If you were trying to avoid suffering as much as possible but weren't able to avoid it completely that's very different from if you just didn't care. But - most times."


"- I think that Pharasma judges the killing of innocent people as about equally Evil whether or not it was legal."


"Are you saying that as long as anyone in Kantaria is suffering, none of us have repented?"


"No. Even if someone is not intentionally permitting suffering they could easily solve, there will be a lot of suffering that they don't know about, or can't easily solve, or can't solve without causing more suffering somewhere else. Even in Lastwall harvests fail or sicknesses kill. People help their neighbors, when that happens, because people are Good, but you don't end up with no suffering. Just much less of it, and the knowledge that one day we will all be in Heaven and that there there is no hunger and no backbreaking labor and no fear and no pain."


"You have to help every time someone is sick?"


"Of course if an illness is contagious it's reasonable to take steps to avoid catching it. But in a Good country, if a woman learns that her neighbors have taken ill, she will bring water for them to their door, if nothing else, and bring a pie over, and they will do the same for her family when she is sick, and as a result both families are much better off."


"...what do you don't have any food?"

This is clearly not a starving boy.


"Well, what would you want them to do if you were too sick to get out of bed?"



"....not make me get out of bed?"


"So, if you're doing for them what you'd want them to do if the tables were turned - and the tables will be turned, because we all get sick sometimes - then you're doing fine. But if you could spare them some of your lunch, and aren't doing it, and you know perfectly well you'd want them to spare you some of theirs if you were sick, then that's Evil. Not very Evil. But - if you would like this town to be a place where there's some help when you need it, then you've got to provide it when other people need it and it won't cost you much. If you want to benefit from it and don't want to provide it, you're freeloading, and that isn't right."


It hasn't really occurred to this kid that anyone might do anything for him when he's sick besides let him off work. Maybe bring him water. He supposes he could do that for someone else.


"If someone did kill a baby," as if everyone hasn't at some point, "what should they do?"


"So, firstly, they should know that their baby is in the Boneyard, and that angels from Heaven are trying to care for all of the babies there but there are not enough of them, and there are ways in which the baby will never get to grow and become a full person because they were killed as a baby. That is important to know because that is what there is to repent of: not just robbing someone of this life, but condemning them to be abandoned and inadequately cared for in the next.

They should pray to the Good gods, to look after their baby. A baby's family are often the only people who will know that baby's name to speak in prayers. There is no one else to think of that baby and ask for them to get the help they need. So you should pray for them. And you should try to help some person of Kantaria - family or a stranger - keep a child alive who they would otherwise have lost, in the next few years. Pay for medicine when their child is sick, or for food so their child doesn't go hungry and isn't as frail. If you know a child has a dangerous home offer that they can come by yours. If you see a boy doing something dangerous and stupid, intervene for him. That is where to start on repenting for killing a baby. And of course, you want to change how you make decisions so that you would not in the same situation do it again, or so that you would not get into that situation."



"Well, I'd name them. Though you can also pray for someone without knowing their name."


"It's fine to leave a baby at the orphanage, though, right? So people can just do that?"

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