Hmm. Can she make a small-enough-to-escape-notice but overinflated-enough-to-pop-immediately balloon...over there, and make it so it only lasts a couple of seconds? What does that do?
Is pushing stuff out of the way its own thing? Should she be working on that by itself?
Huh. Well, she can work on that too then. Random piercings in miscellaneous locations that are not currently visible but that she would not be mortified if they were.
(When she goes to bed that night she notices that she barely notices how much having the black and white roses active hurts any more.)
It's pretty clear about belonging to the black flower in particular. It doesn't feel quite like any of the other flower magic she has. It feels like a choice, between four differently-flavoured subspecialties. One feels like it has to do with imbuing magical properties into existing objects; one feels slippery and hard to define; one feels like it has to do with making it easier for her to learn new skills and improve old ones; and one feels like it has to do with manipulating darkness.
I woke up this morning with a new thing in my brain asking me to choose between four different things and it's definitely from the black rose and I was wondering what else you could tell me about that? I'd prefer to make a more rather than less informed choice.
The shadows one is fun, we both have that. Cass has the skills one too and it's really useful. If you keep practicing with black-flower magic you'll get to pick up the rest eventually.
She considers what she could do with the skills one combined with the grace from the pink flower, picks that one and starts looking up low-commitment high-output classes on things like dancing and martial arts. She ends up joining a dance club on campus, which eats a little bit into her "telekinetising things and blatant conjurations" time but is fun enough on its own merits to make up for that. And between the grace boost and the skills magic she gets absurdly good absurdly fast.
...Edie hasn't been doing much less with blue-flower magic than Emily was with black-flower magic (and she added the red flower, a little while back, because she had gotten used to a single flower's worth of pain a little while ago and Emily wasn't using that one so one of them should explore its effects).
To start out with, how may she transform an object?
Emily sticks with dance club even after she's better than anyone else there at any of the dances they know, what with their lack of cheaty magic. But she's not particularly subtle about how good at it she is--that would make the dancing itself much less fun. She acquires a handful of admirers.
Possibly the most likeable of these is Luc, whose mom is from Montreal and who plays up his consequent knowledge of French like a Hollywood Parisian, but always in a sufficiently self-parodying way as not to become insufferable.
And one meeting, he presents her with a blue-stemmed white rose.
"What," she says.
He gives a presumably gallic shrug. "My great aunt died, recently. This was hers. She always claimed it was possessed, and perhaps she was right, for for as long as my parents have been bundling me into the car and incarcerating me in her stuffy old house for family reunions it has sat on the hall end table, and never has it wilted! When it fell into my possession in the general scuffle of my less savory relatives for the crumbs of her estate, I knew such beauty and mystery could only belong in the possession of the veritable Muse of our fair halls," he declaims.
"It's...beautiful. I appreciate it more than you know," she murmurs, taking it with care not to cut herself on the white-tipped thorns and even more care not to accidentally prick him with them. That would be a disaster.
And once the meeting is over and everything's packed up and everyone's left there is a very urgent email to write.
Found a new rose!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guy from dance club gave it to me. Inheritance from a dead relative who thought it was possessed. Have not tested it yet. Will v. soon.
And after a few minutes: Ha. Pun intended? Also, cute, I look a little less like palette-swap Poison Ivy and a little more like some kind of plant fairy now. ...I'm going to have to peel something out and/or put it back in if I want to get rid of this skirt, aren't I.
Yeah, if you don't have full outfit control yet then you can only mess with it while there's a new flower on its way in.
She pokes at the new available magic.