Mab falls into Frostpunk
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She steps back, holds up her wand, and says, "Flagrate."

She moves her wand, and a thin line of fire trails the movement, like ink trailing a pen, lingering in the air. She draws a small heart with the fire, then pulls away her wand without producing more trails.

The fire in the outline of a heart stays floating in the air.

"In the world I'm familiar with, it's possible for some people and creatures to break the conventional laws of physics. I was sent here after being eaten by a creature with a portal for its face."



"I have just seen evidence that something extraordinary is going on." He circles around the fire hanging in the air. "Setting aside for the moment annoying nitpicking about illusions and mirrors and strings in the air or, or prepared fuel solutions or something..." He waves his hands under and around it. "Hmm. This is... Going to be important."


"Something," she agrees readily. "I can answer questions, or do another demonstration, if you have an idea for one. But you know your situation better than I do."


"Demonstrate something not related to temperature, if you please. And not just moving things around either. That will cover the last six ways stage magicians I have encountered were pulling the wool over my eyes. After that... We will talk to the city and see what they want us to do."


"Do you have a small object you don't care much about?"


He produces a piece of dried meat from somewhere. "Tell me what you're going to do to it before you do, please?"


"I'd like to make it bigger. I could shrink it back afterwards as well, but it looks like it might be more useful at a new size."


"More food is good, if it's not suddenly full of sawdust or something, quite. More importantly, this is something I provided and that you haven't had previous access to, good thinking there."


"Thank you," she says. "I promise it won't be full of sawdust. Some sorts of conjured matter decay faster, but plain making things bigger is safe."

She takes careful aim at the piece of meat, moves her wand in a circle, and says "Engorgio."

Piece of dried meat becomes a moderately bigger piece of dried meat. 


"If you say so. I imagine the Captain will want to perform thorough testing. I'm not really qualified or equipped to evaluate this. Will you accompany us back to the city, if we do not receive instructions otherwise?"


"I'd like that. I did mean it when I said earlier I wasn't sure where to go or what to do, otherwise."


"Well, I don't think they'll object but I do have to ask for instructions. I'll go get Samuel to set up the signalling tools, follow me if you like."


She nods, and follows him when he goes.


Samuel is a short and slightly pudgy man wearing some kind of aviator goggles with multiple lens. "Samuel, let's get the semaphore set up, please. Something important to report."

"Sure. Visibility's a bit low thanks to the gusts, we'll need to use the light, but the battery's low. Keep that in mind, please."

"I will. Thank you." The two men start unpacking a bundle of metal equipment and setting up a stand.

"Who's that?"

"We found her inside. Anything more than that, I'll let you ask her."

"She coming with us?"

"I don't know yet, that's why I'm calling in to the city."

"Well, I think-"

"The semaphore, please, man. Before the snow gets any worse."

"Yes, sir." They go back to setting it up in silence.


Breaking the Statute of Secrecy is sort of a rush.

She quietly observes the setup process.


It's definitely some kind of machine!

Presently it's set up, some kind of floodlight-mirror-telescope combo thingy. Samuel takes it over and points it at a faint spot of light in the distance. It clicks in odd patterns. Sort of reminiscent of telegraph machines?

Samuel looks at Mab, opens his mouth, shrugs and closes it, and walks inside the building.


She sticks around to watch the signalling.


It's pretty boring. Just switching a light on and off in patterns, and watching for a matching light off in the distance doing the same thing, and taking notes.


Eventually, Glen steps back from the semaphore, stretches, and tells Mab, "Good news. We're to scavenge this location, take a quick look around for other landmarks, and then make all speed for the city with you."


She breathes out a bit of sigh. 

"I'm glad. Thank you. 

"I don't really have more to say on the location and surroundings, but if there's any way I can help, I will."


"I can't think of anything that shouldn't wait for the city. You may as well rest until we're ready to go. It won't be a fun trip if you're not used to sleds."


Nod. "All right. Better that I'm warned instead of being surprised by it, at least. I'll go wait back inside, if there's nothing else I should do?"


"If we were going to be here for hours, I'd have work or questions for you. But as it is now, I really can't think of anything. Feel free to go."

It's still cold inside the building, but the fur helps a lot. The scouts scurry around loading cans. One of the sled dogs stares at her. And soon it's time to go.

"I think we'll have to, uh, tie you to a sled. There's standing room for five. Unless you want to walk."


"That might make a bit of a delay. No, it's all right, please do whatever's necessary. Just tell me what I need to do to make this work."


They do their best to make her comfortable, strapped in between crates and supplies. The five scouts all ride the sleds standing, directing their dogs. It's kind of bumpy, but not actually that cold.

This sure is a lot of frozen wasteland, though, isn't it?



As unfortunate as her predicament is, she can at least count herself lucky she appeared near some sort of landmark.

Mabel composes a list of questions in her head and reviews her memory of the Standard Book of Spells and marvels at the sheer abundance of bleak frozen wasteland. 

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