"Nice, thank you!" She can still misuse it horribly but - she can also misuse the power of 'killing people by hitting them on the head'. Feather thinks she can use this new power responsibly.
Aaaaand that's finally it. Except that she doesn't have enough points, so she should probably look over the point-granting leaves before discarding some of her previous picks.
...most of them really are curses, whether straightforward ones like Plain Jane or weirder ones like Great Responsibility and Helpline, which gives you the knowledge and attention span of a god but uses it only to make you miserable. Others literally make your life a tragedy - the kind told to an audience - and Feather doesn't like tragedies even as a stories all that much.
Ignoring all those, and the horrible mind-control ones, and the ones where she'd gain points at other people's expense... And the ones with prerequisites she didn't pick... And the ones that belong to some incomprehensible genre that's not even a tragedy... There are a few drawbacks she could live with:
Style of Sisyphus. Not too terrible? But also, not worth it to get a permanent debuff to gain just one point.
Selective Memory. That might be worth it for some passive protection powers! The real downside is that she'd have to go over all her picks again.
The Veil. ...no, it would be far too confusing to live that way. Also, some of her powers need deliberate activation, there won't be any point in having The Duplicator if she takes The Veil to offset its price.
They'll Know. She'd actually pay for that if it were a power! She doesn't want to - become something that other people fundamentally cannot comprehend or anticipate, like some Wisdom-eating aberration! She didn't realize it was even an option!!
"Squirrel? I am upset about the fact that my powers would apparently, by default, discourage people from realizing that I have them. That is not something one should do except to enemies." Understanding other people is a good! Feather doesn't want to prevent others from understanding her, let alone from - modeling the world correctly because of it! "If I had enough points and never even looked at these 'drawbacks' I could have ended up like that unexpectedly, and I think I would be justifiably very angry about it."
Giving someone a 'power' like that without their knowledge is, in fact, pretty much enemy action. She'd be angrier if the powers on offer hadn't made it clear that the selection was not in any way optimized for Feather or anyone remotely like her; it makes it possible that this was an honest mistake, but having unexpected broad side effects is the kind of mistake she really really doesn't want.
"Is there anything else like - that, that I should know about these powers? Anything else they do, or that having any of these powers at all does, that's not stated explicitly? I don't want any powers if they might come with side effects I don't even know about."