A new subway entrance has opened in Charlotte, North Carolina. There are no records of a new entrance there being built or approved, or even proposed.
But there it stands, a sign reading "SUBWAY" and a flight of stairs downward.
Admittedly he doesn't want to break his hand. That would be frustrating to have to deal with wherever he's going with this thing, which he is presumably and hopefully doing because it would be annoying to be stranded in a void for the rest of his life – they might not just have some quick-fix healer wherever, so he might not be able to get it easily healed.
How are the other weird items doing? Presumably they are still where he left them?
He will pick up the book of mazes, in that case, and see if there are signs of someone having panicked and written about the evil subway or something. He didn't notice any last time, but still.
There isn't anything obvious. The back of one of the last pages is covered in squiggles, like someone tried to fit as many curves as they could into a line without crossing it over itself, then filled in the empty loops with zigzags and spirals. This might be an encoded panicked message of some sort.
If it is, he doesn't think he can read the language.
Still nothing new in his surroundings? There hasn't appeared some sort of, uh, planet or something out the window?
Nothing appears if he studies the featureless darkness, he assumes. Nor if he spends time looking around the subway car – are there advertisements and things on the ceiling or is it extremely bland on the inside?
The darkness stays featureless even upon extended study. There are no advertisements on the ceiling, just calmly glowing strips of fluorescent lights.
If there is literally nothing interesting here apart from being a weird freaking indestructible and less-harmful subway car in the middle of some stupid void he will kill twenty minutes playing games on his phone.
Stupid abduction.
After about fifteen minutes of this, there is suddenly a lot of warm green light pouring through the windows, and the car begins to slow.
He looks up from his phone and then gets up pretty swiftly.
Can he see any details outside, or is it some weird, ominous, ever-present green light?
There seem to be large spikes stretching from the ceiling to the floor, with several layers of green, shiny film stretched between them. The light seems to be filtering through those, in different shades of green where pieces partially overlap. A floating orb of blue light passes through the film and approaches the car.
The doors slide open with a chime, and hot air floods into the car.
The orb quietly beeps a minor chord and maneuvers around him to enter the car and float by one of the handrails.
… He'll stand near the door. And look outside in case it looks safer than the subway car because. Um.
Beyond the filmy barrier, the surrounding stone narrows to a single corridor, at the end of which are two tubes full of orbs moving very quickly, up through one tube and down through the other.
He thinks he's, uh, going to go outside.
But first, he tries – and fails – to ping Relay.
So he goes outside. Tentatively.
He's okay with hot environments. He walks out a bit further and – assuming there's nothing to either side of the subway car where he is now – follows the corridor.
The film causes a cold tingle to pass through his body as he walks through, but does not stop him. The corridor, made of smooth yellow and red stone after the film, leads to the two tubes he saw earlier. They are made of what looks like cloudy unbroken glass.
Is there any water around him now? Anything obvious that he can offload some liquid from or something?
Can he see where the tubes go?
There is no water nearby. The air is very dry, and the little orbs of light don't seem to contain any water at all.
The tube going up splits into two tubes that curve away from each other at the top, and go somewhere beyond the ceiling.
The tube going down seems to be a straight drop.
No, more glass fills the space between the tube and the edges of the holes in the floor and ceiling.