A new subway entrance has opened in Charlotte, North Carolina. There are no records of a new entrance there being built or approved, or even proposed.
But there it stands, a sign reading "SUBWAY" and a flight of stairs downward.
Is there an entrance if he wants to go further into the building, perhaps, going past the unmanned reception desk?
Click follows him up the stairs. The first door from the stairwell has an electronic lock, and a padlock, and a placard labeling it "PROPHECY".
The second is labeled "NEW CITIZENS", and the third, barely visible from the second landing, is "MAYOR".
Prophecy! Gosh. If he touches the padlock does it reveal itself to be made of aluminum foil?
Nope! It feels like solid metal. It is very cold, and the bones of his fingers touching it begin to feel like they are buzzing.
Once he lets go, his fingers begin to return to normal.
Door number two actually opens! There is an unattended plastic desk with a display of pamphlets and a box of something orange, with a label saying "Take one!"
Sure, okay, he'll take a brightly dyed orange fabric. Is it a welcome t-shirt or something?
The door opens at his touch, onto a dim hallway, releasing a puff of air that smells like burnt hair and chalk dust.
There's a partially open door halfway down the hall, with a placard reading "CITY COUNCIL MEETING ROOM", and a set of five stairs leading to a door labeled "MAYOR'S OFFICE".
A man in a suit and slotted shades, carrying a black case, answers the door. Many voices inside the dark room speak in unison with his, "We have this covered, thanks. If you have an appointment, please wait your turn."
He turns and closes the door, without waiting for a response.