Anywhere outside her room, there could be writing and it could include an imperative. She shuts her eyes before she opens the door. It's not until she walks into a table that she notices she's not where she expected to be.
"Sorry, I wouldn't expect you to know about them, they might not be a thing on other planes at all."
These chapters are not actually very long. Chapter six is even shorter than chapter five - and it has this long passage saying not to worry about having things to eat or wear because God will take care of it.
He's going to double-check that Proverbs 31 is how he remembers it, actually, and then put his head down announce that he doesn’t understand anything.
"I'm not going to be basically any help on understanding your religion, sorry."
"How do people who aren't under orders to believe things decide what to believe, anyway?"
"Well, probably you have lots of beliefs that weren't about orders? Like - what color something you're looking at is. It's not that nobody could compromise that, but it'd be really weird to spend much effort on doing it for a lot of things, so when there's a lot of things that all point one way then probably something in that direction is right."
"Have you met people who do divine magic, or who've had visions, or anything?"
"Whoever was - taking care of you or whatever you want to call it, then - what did they tell you about what they saw? What people think is worth telling you is also a thing you can observe."
"They... told me that Jesus had come to save us, and they said that the Bible says so. And that... one Christmas, when it was also Hanukkah, my aunt was visiting family up north where there was a blizzard and the power went out, and they lit a single votive candle and prayed, and it lasted the entire power outage and kept them warm for hours."
"I... don't know what a 'power outage' is but I guess I would not normally expect a votive candle to last that long, sure."
"That’s the best miracle story that happened to anyone I personally know. A power outage is when the electricity stops working so you don't have lights or heat or refrigeration or television but for some reason the phones still work."
"You run those things on electricity? How scientific of you!"
"Ours're wizard stuff. So they'd all go out if there were some kind of disjunction problem, or they'll fail one at a time without particular reference to each other. 'Phones' is science-mirrors, right?"
"........Mirrors are the things you look at to know if you have something on your face. Phones are the things you talk to and hear people far away talking back."
"Well, that's what an unenchanted mirror does but an enchanted one does the talking thing and most modern ones have aetherbrowsing and games and stuff on them too."
"I mean it sounds like on your plane you have the fun sciency kind instead, maybe nobody's ever enchanted a mirror there."
"I... guess they're sciency, yeah. I don’t think we have a lot of magic but maybe I wouldn’t know."
"That sounds so weird. I guess it's not all things considered weird that there'd be one place somewhere that worked out that way."
"I just can't think how you'd get it to work in real life. I mean, obviously your plane found a way, I just don't know at all what it is."