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Version: 1
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conduit grape publications
The first book they publish is titled Practical Demonology* and comes out after a couple of years.

It's handwritten in flawless Penmanship letters, though not cursive because they have a grudge against cursive. Instead they've developed a hand that can be smoothly delivered with the Bevin's fountain pens without the letters flowing into one another, a sort of hybrid of old blackletter styles, their natural ballpoint handwriting, and a modern font like you'd see on a computer. They feel like it's decently legible, but of course it's hard to tell how the audience will take it.

It's hard to tell if there will be an audience.

They publish it anyway, with a foreword:
This one started with a dream we had. It's about a world of magic and demons, and a girl who runs into some trouble there. (The trouble leads to porn.)
- Vinifer & Hex

*The linked story is incomplete. The book is not.
Version: 2
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conduit grape publications
The first book they publish is titled Practical Demonology* and comes out after a couple of years.

It's handwritten in flawless Penmanship letters, though not cursive because they have a grudge against cursive. Instead they've developed a hand that can be smoothly delivered with the Bevin's fountain pens without the letters flowing into one another, a sort of hybrid of old blackletter styles, their natural ballpoint handwriting, and a modern font like you'd see on a computer. They feel like it's decently legible, but of course it's hard to tell how the audience will take it.

It's hard to tell if there will be an audience.

They publish it anyway, with a foreword:
This one started with a dream we had. It's about a world of magic and demons, and a girl who runs into some trouble there. (The trouble leads to porn.)

- Vinifer & Hex

*The linked story is incomplete. The book is not.