"Would you want to? I have also been told I can't count on getting here whenever I feel like it."
"Well, I could go for either a very short visit or a very long one. Although I suppose that if there are a lot of dragons in Elcenia, you've probably cornered the market on interpretation and translation. But then, if I was going to revolutionize magical analysis I guess I might not need another job on top of that."
"I'm a good translator! And there are few enough people with magic in my world that the general population does not know it exists," he says. "I know some people who might like me to see magic for them more than I do, but they are slightly scary and I like translating better than I would like working for them."
"Few. I live in a big city and I'm out and about reasonably often and I can go as long as a few months without seeing any unfamiliar powers."
"Wow. In my world there's only about that many dragons, but there's lots and lots of wizards, plenty of lights and mages and sorcerers..."
"Wizards are the ones who use channeling capacity. Lights are healers, mages do elements, sorcerers do telekinesis."