(Tanna: not even slightly trained for first contact. She is definitely making a mess of this! Not that it shows on her face or in her voice, of course.)
"The mistake we made was in permitting anyone from your system on our ship. It was an oversight, and in truth we should have remained more at a remove until we understood your magic better, and could easily prevent tag-alongs. We should have also exchanged solid copies of our laws before sending a first contact team, rather than after, and run the risk of keeping to ourselves until distance communication could be established."
"The primary crime in question here was the spying, and threatening me alone would, outside of our culture's context, be let slide with a warning not to do it again. Most species and governments I am familiar with at least operate on the assumption that spies will be denounced by their home government if found out, and that spying is at least nominally a crime. The others don't have concepts of deception such that 'spying' makes sense as an action. The Federation is more proactive than most in hedging out spies, I'll admit, but assuming that it is safe to announce yourself as a spy is not, in fact, something I have encountered."
"There are numerous reasons for us to control who has access to where on this ship. It is part safety concern - for us and you - part informational flow concern, part operational secrecy, and part expectation of privacy. Your protest would be more sensible if your compatriots had not asked permission before teleporting aboard. If you were spying on our operations, you would have noticed that Ateshai asked for my explicit clearance - including for the specific number, and for the specific people, implying that is important. If this was a simply cultural misunderstanding, I'd expect it to be shared by people from your culture."
"And, another: if you were spying on your neighbors, you would have noticed that we sent a copy of our laws, a treatise on our system of government, and an analysis of our culture performed by as balanced a group of species as could be arranged - admittedly as a hard copy, we haven't quite managed format conversions yet for our communication arrays. If you'd had an ounce of impulse control, you would have waited for it to be uploaded before risking poking us."
"A warning for you, perhaps: the Federation is also notably, and exceptionally, lenient against espionage."