Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
She bounces over to meet her Shine counterpart! Her Shine counterpart wants to be called Sea because hers is the only Doriath so far that borders it. Doriath is an island. It is weird. Her Shine counterpart is horrified about the murdering everyone on a planet but trusts her that it takes a lot of evil by the Enemy for Bells to be evil like that and that Lúthien's isn't and with the Enemy gone none of them will be. Unless there's something even worse than the Enemy. Which, well, if they're doing things they can be involved in trying to stop the Bells from doing evil ones. If they're staying home -
Gem is very passionate about doing things instead of staying home. Sea thinks it's weird.
She'll come to the wedding party. She promises not to bother Cam.
That's reassuring. The wedding is about Joy and Gem getting (being) married, not about people bothering Cam.
"Yeah. But. I mean. Usually mes would bounce around saying hi to everyone and they probably should not do that."
"...I think Cam in particular is the big one there. And it's not like he can't be greeted, just..."
"If I didn't know anything I think by default I'd notice he was sad and decide to be his friend, and I should. Not do that. I won't avoid saying hi to him either."
"I wouldn't be a good friend, I understand and I can forgive it but I'm definitely not going to get to a place where I agree and he deserves to have people who agree."
"He kind of forfeited that along with everything else that fell into the black hole, certainly doesn't consider himself entitled. He's got - us, and I guess some of the Fëanorians."
"I wouldn't try to be his best friend from where I'm standing, I'd try to understand the way you guys see it to make you think it's right."
"He met a Maia who was on Endorë once and she said the war was otherwise prophesied to go on another five hundred years before the Valar did anything."
"No, I don't have any details. Also apparently if we go find the Maia in question and ask she is likely to incompetently hit on me. If she didn't get counted as one of the Enemy's servants and wished away."
"You're married. I hope she got wished away.
No, I don't, if she's not evil, that's kind of horrible. Sorry."
"There's not much consensus on whether she's evil. Cam didn't meet his till after the war and doesn't know much about what she did during; Loki's worked for the Enemy occasionally but did Loki a couple favors too... Kib hasn't said much about his..."
"It won't be an urgent note, but there's no reason to sit on it that long and have to bring up a likely-evil person on a happy occasion."