Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
It was evil and wrong but it's a kind of evil and a kind of wrong they will do every time if there's no better choice, and never ever do if there is one, so there's - no point - in anything except figuring out how to have better choices...
Yeah. I love Bella and I trust her and I've watched her think about things and I know that if she served the Enemy and killed a planet it'd be because I couldn't come up with a less evil answer and so it makes me want to be there with less evil answers.
Mom wouldn't abandon Doriath, right? Even if the Enemy tried to arrange for innocent people to attack it, even if she had to kill them to protect it, even if she could technically go far away and not do anything evil. Bells are like that about all people everywhere. They can't stay out of it.
It's evil and awful and luckily Eru fixed it by giving them a way to find other worlds and other magic that could mostly set it right and we can make sure it doesn't happen again by giving them better ways to protect their people.
Love you. Let's go fix all of things.
And it's a good thing my parents aren't attending my wedding party, can you imagine?
I don't think anyone's going to summarize Space Arda at the wedding but it'd probably be weird anyway, I don't think any of me get along with any of them very well.