Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
Maybe. If I didn't think I could find another way to stop the world from being eaten however long I took to try. If I'd been in a hurry instead of in a time loop.
There's also a difference to me between doing things and not stopping them. But maybe that's just because I'm awfully horrible, if I'm responsible for everything I failed to stop -
You are not responsible for everything you failed to stop. And the difference is important to us too, it's just - not - infinite.
I might kill one innocent person to end the war. Maybe. Don't know if I could, do think I could - recognize that I ought to, even if I couldn't do it -
- maybe killing millions of people isn't harder than killing one -
No - I'm sure it is - Loki killed people too in her war - Cam's the one who goes around looking partially dead.
Yeah. Would've been worse.
He didn't do anything else while he was putting the Elves from Valinor back. Anything. I don't think he slept or ate or sat down or anything until they were all back as best he could put them back.
I'll hurt him as badly as the alt of me if it turns out I could have talked the Valar into fixing it, won't I.
...not necessarily, he didn't meet his you, they didn't let him into Doriath. But it wouldn't really help.
I think it's a lot like the Noldor and Alqualondë where they'd actually be less evil if they'd had any more choices.
I figured, he said he knew you. He told us too, though we had to kind of drag it out of him. The sense I get is that they accept that everyone who learns what they did will hate them for it but they don't quite accept that they did the wrong thing because what they felt when they did it was 'desperate' and no one's offering to change that...
And I guess I could wish the Noldor'd never forged swords, knowing the evils they'd do with them, but I saw four hundred years of peace and safety and I was happy to have those, even knowing that evils were done to purchase them -
No, I expect she'll hate herself forever for not fixing it. Though maybe I'm more like that than the rest of you, from being around Bella, got me in the habit of thinking things were my problem -