Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
And presently the Elves can control their computers with their minds and can be taught to use them and how to access their mailboxes and where to find sorcery spell text and stuff. The "Arda 3" directory is not by default open to Maedhros but Fingon has an option to mark it that way.
"...either of you given any thought to nicknames?"
"It didn't fly. I don't think I could have taken it if it could fly." He sends the memory.
"Yep. And we don't think it was fully grown, and we think he was breeding more of them."
"So there is a possibility I'm in a different malicious hallucination than the one I'm assuming I'm in."
"If Eru's are omnipotent or close-as-makes-no-difference in their dimensions, and like making variants on this story play out, then even if I'm out of Angband I'm the plaything of some god's fondness for a story that includes everything that happened to me."
"Well, so far they don't interrupt our exploits up to pretty extreme values of 'exploit'."
"Oh, you should be happy about this, my lord prince, if everyone else has picked this as their blind spot it means I can't afford to step out."
"That's a terrible nickname. Elentári's been quiet for a while, I could go ask Aulë to step out of the universe and see what he thinks."