Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
"I don't have telekinesis! Teleportation can fudge some of it but it's annoying. I don't have transmutation either. I do sort of have energy blasts, except they're ice."
"It's probably not worth being a magic rock for you but you only get to pick once, so."
"Yup. So many options. Likewise you could consider turning into a vampire and any day now somebody will have a skydiving accident and we'll know whether people can become daeva without being native to a world adjacent to the daeva worlds."
"Vampirism sounded okay but I think I can get most of the important benefits a la carte. - Magic rocks can turn pain off, though."
"Has anyone checked whether Elves can turn into vampires? Not that I necessarily could even if they can..."
"Nobody's tried that yet. Closest thing we have to a guess is 'well, Elves smell yummy to vampires and things from Aurum that can't turn do not smell yummy'."
Cam reappears. "Mailboxes all set up. You want chip computers? You want to install them in Aurum as a safety buffer?"
"Don't install them simultaneously in both of us, but we're not actually our bodies, so as long as they're not going in our soul gems..."