Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
I should have thought of it and I'm really sorry and I'll check and my parents' marriage was a mess but it wasn't like keeping someone chained to your bed for three hundred fifty years - it wasn't - and we don't know these people -
I'm sorry for Arda being the way it is, it's wrong and it's awful and I just - didn't think about it -
"And we don't know where and can't follow him," Cam clarifies for Gem, "we were freaking him out - he went with a friend of Loki's."
"I think he'll be fine. If we don't remove the evil King from power I think he'll eventually go back to him but we've got time, on that, he was planning to be away for a century -"
"...and we don't give any other species that behaves similarly this much scrutiny, or any other badly-behaved monarchs if they aren't alts of people we like, we're not going after Loki's mom -"
"I can do installations of mailboxes and accessories thereto now if you want. Or I can come back later, you can contact me by titling something you write 'letter to Cam'..."
Pop pop to Arda - Fingon's castle, he can go talk to his boyfriend on his own time - pop to Mîr.
And then she throws herself at Gem and starts crying.
I didn't - I didn't make you fall in love with me with the song or with anything, you'd have noticed -
I would've noticed, soothes Bella. It didn't even happen at the same time. My alts weren't even worried about it, they think I would've noticed too.
I think people were mostly just thinking how does that work, not that - not anything like that -