Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
You can see why we had to be careful we hadn't found another evil Arda - we got lucky in catching it the first time -
I - Lúthien I haven't been keeping very good track of what anybody's saying about us do they think -
I wasn't keeping track of that either I - don't think - I'm really sorry, I didn't think about it at all I should have been paying attention - but I don't think so -
What is being done about Evil Arda, since it apparently doesn't involve executions...?
We extracted my alt. We're attempting a voluntary exposure-to-non-evil-societies thing now that we've determined it's not contagious - the evil Maedhros is still the King, executions have not been definitely ruled out and Bells are generally considered to get a voice in things, so you're welcome to express thoughts -
"You know she's going to say 'I need more time and more information', so why push this -"
"...I don't think I have a particularly unique-to-my-template perspective on the matter except insofar as it's making me very concerned about public perception of me and Joy."
"Mostly because people don't have the imagination that'd be required to start making insidious assumptions -"
"Oh to hell with their imaginations," mutters Gem. "I was just annoyed when her father told me he wanted Melkor's crown for his blessing since it was too late to demand his head - but apparently he should have been giving me the fucking shovel talk -"
"My impression of Elu Thingol is that if it even crossed his mind you might be hurting his daughter he would try to kill you on the spot. Or, rather, have his wife try."
"Yeah but Lúthien actually had him swear not to kill me before being visibly married at him."
"....then it's not inconceivable he'd have you steal the Silmarils in the hope that'd get us to kill you, us being the most dangerous things remaining now that the Enemy's dead. Is that what he did."
"Tried. He said 'crown', and Lúthien recognized the shiny rocks as being the things with the oath attached, but the Fëanorians had a way to pry the Silmarils out of the settings and my delightful father-in-law took the crown part sans Silmarils without doing more than glowering at me and I was like 'aha, I have been successfully passive-aggressive' but -"
"Given Melian and Thingol's own history it's equally likely that people are assuming, to the extent they're assuming things-"
"Can we not do this right now, we'll check, we'll check, but everyone's upset and you're speculating about my parents and - and admittedly they're not the greatest parents but -"