Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
"At the time I was in a mood with Maitimos as a category and I assumed he did it just to annoy me but I've been handling the branch of our empire's operations which he finds most personally interesting - and which has saved the most lives so far by an order of magnitude, we're a little internally competitive about that - so I decided eventually that he meant it well."
"Multiverse makes it really easy! We had the highest starting tech level and now thanks to Cam we have really straightforward synthesis and distribution for vaccines so it's just nonstop xenobiology and then a little bit of summoning."
"Convenient doesn't even begin to describe it. ...indestructible's doable without dying in Cam's home universe, but the 'make arbitrary material objects' bit is not."
Charp gets the door. "Welcome. That's Gem, her Lúthien Joy, and their Fingon as yet unnicknamed," says Kib.
"Oh, congratulations!" he says. "Joy, I had the pleasure of spending a decade with your alt in my world during our war, and she struck me as the person with the most wasted potential of anyone I'd ever met, and you've got a Bell, they do not tend to squander anyone's potential. I hope my alt got you a really lovely wedding present."
"Our wedding party is in fact in the future," specifies Gem, "on the grounds that I wanted to be able to explain it to my parents without anyone melting. But we have been assured that we will get a lovely present."
"...oh, that would do it - you know, if you find it objectionable, we can give people free will, it unmarries you -"
"And it doesn't do anything weird and soul-y to me so we're rolling with it," says Bella, squeezing Lúthien's hand.
"Elf soulbonding is controlled by expectations; I assume Canada is a political jurisdiction where gay marriages can happen, therefore Lúthien knew gay marriages could happen, therefore she got gay married."
"Sometime I want to ask Eru why. But he obviously thinks hurting lots of people very badly is good fun, as evidenced by the existence of any Ardas, so I'm not sure I could get anywhere with him on the topic."
"Loki had a secondhand exchange with him through Elentári's Aulë about something else without planning to once, that's as far as it's gone."
"We're rather steadily accumulating power but Eru seems to be functionally omniscient within his dimensions, that may be a hard problem, and we're also a little worried that the Valar and the Maiar and the magic music and so forth will break if we kill God. Not that we don't have plans in the drawer for it, of course."