This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
"I'm ninety percent certain every group of friends has one of those. Although I think Deke's ours..."
"You noticed that, huh? Yeah. If Circe over steps with anything, tell Deke. He'll deal with it."
"Once I find my footing, I will attempt to recognise overstepping," Anders says drily.
"She won't have to worry about that too much. Person to person? Hard to make me uncomfortable. Only deep dark spaces, apparently."
"You've never seen Circ on a bad day," Tana says. "She gets vicious."
Their dive levels out. "C'mon. Let's go see how your coat's doing. Unless you wanna see if any of the big boys are around?"
"I'll be sure to mind my tongue on those days," Anders says with a nod.
"Sure. I'm at your disposal," he adds with a cheeky wink.
Tana laughs. "Happily married and hopelessly gay, Anders. You're cute, but so far from my type."
"Well. I like you. And Deke likes you well enough. Rex seems to as well. You're good here."
And now: laundry room. Someone had hung Anders' jacket over a line, and it seems to be mostly dry, only a little worse for wear.
Anders touches it gently, this piece of home. It still holds a soft smell of elfroot, despite everything, and maybe that means Anders can go home. Eventually.
"I wonder what my family thinks of my sudden disappearance."
"I'm sure they're trying to figure out what happened," Tana says quietly. "C'mon, sewing kit's in the medbay."
Anders smiles gratefully over his shoulder at Tana. He then grabs his coat and follows her out.
"So, why isn't your wife aboard?"
"Ri's people sailed the surface of the ocean. She grew up under the sun. Add to that she's nearly seven foot, and well... Subaqua ships are not really designed for people her height. And she gets flinchy away from the sun."
“So she’s my height then,” Anders says, with a grin. “I don’t blame her. I much prefer the sun myself. How did you meet?”
"Actually Ri's taller than you," Tana says off-handedly. "Met while I was still trying to fix myself. She was trying to find work on land, barely spoke the language, and was hopelessly lost. We hit it off."
"It is," Tana agrees as they step into the medical bay, "but she doesn't do well under the waves, and I don't do very well on land. We make it work."
She rummages around in a cupboard.
"Rii says one of the guys she travels with is. Or is trying to. Something like that."
She straightens, holding out a small case. "Sewing kit."
"He like telling grandiose stories of heroes too?"
Anders accepts the sewing kit. "Thank you. I'd be lost without this coat."