This far from any land, the sea is calm, with just a gentle roll as the water moves. As far as the eye can see, there is glistening blue, uninterrupted by any sign of a shore.
High above, the sun beats down from a cloudless sky.
It is peaceful.
"His deal is that he's the most powerful man in the world, and he doesn't like to be questioned."
“He sounds like a real swell guy,” Anders frowns. He knows this man’s type all too well. “Definitely someone you want at parties.”
Circe considers him. "On that we are agreed"
She straightens. "On this ship, my word is law. That's because I damn well know what I'm talking about. We earn a living salvaging and pirating, everyone takes an equal cut. You hurt my people, you're out. I don't give second chances."
Anders stiffens a little. Pirates like Isabela? Or like her former master?
“You deal in slaves?” He questions.
She moves, almost unnaturally fast, and has a hold of his collar. "If you ever imply I deal in slaves again, there won't be enough of you left to feed the sharks."
Well. He's old enough to know himself, but apparently getting a crush on women who can easily beat him up is a new revelation.
"Then, Captain Circe, fling me overboard if you must. Your word is law."
She's astute, and probably notices his response, but something in it reassures her. "Quite." She steps back, and vanishes the knife in her hand to...somewhere. "C'mon. The others might fear I've killed you."
"You're gonna come with me. Deke's got the engines covered and Rex is currently piloting us. We're gonna sit back and enjoy the show."
Anders watches her go. "She's...well. Very herself," he remarks to Tana, following her lead.
"You're not wrong," Tana agrees, leading the way with the same surety Circe had. "She's pretty hard, but she knows what she's doing."
"She doesn't bother much hiding it. All though, why would you?" Anders sounds impressed. Many of the most powerful people in his life had to remain hidden. He wonders again what they think happened.
"Power can be the thing that keeps you alive, and sometimes the thing that kills you. She's learned to wield her power like a fucking scalpel."
Tana steps into a room, where metal gives way to what looks like glass. "Have a seat," she gestures to the benches.
Anders somewhat identifies with that. Or at least, the part of him that used to be Justice does. It also doesn't help his tiny crush on Circe that Tana uses 'scalpel' to describe it. Power, and medical terminology? That's him done.
He peers suspiciously at the glass. "I was claustrophobic as a kid. Hope that doesn't come back to bite me."
A loud klaxon sounds at that moment, in time with the engines roaring from their previous quiet idling.
“Yes, I’m sure it is. However, as someone used to being above ground, under things is something of a concern.”
He’s about to go on his usual tirade about how awful the Deep Roads are, but quickly shuts his mouth. No one here has even heard of dwarves, why would they know about the Roads?